Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Paperback's Pondering's: Why I've Set My Goodreads Goal A Little Lower This Year

Paperback's Pondering's is back! Today I'm going to talk about Goodreads goals, and why I have set my expectations a little lower this year than in previous years.

I was anticipating not even setting a Goodreads goal this year, and here's why. I just found that for me, in previous years, I would rush through books just to make the goal. I wasn't actually reading, rather skimming, to fly through book after book because I felt as if this goal had to be met. I don't even know why this goal was so important to me, it's not like you win a cash prize or anything, but I associated not meeting my goal with failure. I needed to finish it.

So the first year I set the goal, it was at 65 books, and over the years I have always felt like I needed to top the goal from the previous year. So by 2017, I was at a whopping 80 books, which doesn't seem like much compared to other bookworms who clear at least 100 books a year (seriously, give me your powers), but it was honestly physically impossible for me. So again, I rushed through books and read a lot of pointless short books I wasn't even interested in just to meet and exceed the goal.

So this year, I have set my goal back from even my first year, at 50 books. To a non-bookworm, that seems like such a challenge, and to an avid bookworm, it may even seem a little measly. But with this goal, I can ensure that I actually closely read each book and only read books I am genuinely interested in. I don't want to waste my time anymore.

I would like to eventually work my way up to the incredible goal that is 100 books, but it will be impossible for a first-year university student to reach that quite fast. So for now, I'll be sitting here content with my 50 books.

Do you have a Goodreads goal? What is it set at?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. to be honest, i felt the same about my reading goal last year. i set it for 50 books, which as you said, may seem like a low number, but it was extremely hard to achieve it with school. by december, i found myself rushing through pages and skim-reading books just to meet the goal, and i hated that. i really wanted to enjoy the books i was reading, so i decided to give myself a break and only almost met my goal (i read a total of 48 books in 2017). in a lot of ways, it was a disappointment, but i was just happy i was able to read more than i'd normally. for 2018, i have no goals, and i'm hoping to focus on other of my hobbies, such as watching tv shows, since for the entire year of 2017, i was using my free time only to read. i know i'm still going to be reading, but is great to have less pressure. good luck on your reading goal, emily!

    1. Thank you Lais! Yes, I definitely agree. School just gets in the way and it makes it even harder to find free time for one hobby, let alone multiple! However many books you read should be something to be proud of. Hope you get to watch some great tv in 2017!

  2. I think I may have to start doing that and setting my goal back a little because for the past 3 (I'm pretty sure it's been 3) years, I haven't met my Goodreads goal of 100 books. I always get around 80 books even though I'm fully capable of getting 100. I just get so sucked into rereads and such (and I've decided I won't count rereads for my goal) which makes it kind of impossible to make my goal. This year I'm trying to cut down on my rereads so hopefully that helps!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Oh wow, I admire you so much for not including rereads! Rereads are how I manage to reach my goal every year lol. I just reread light and fluffy series that I know I can get through fast. Hope you can reach your goal this year!

  3. My reading goal for this year is 50 books because I'm still in school and can't read as much as I'd like. I really hope I accomplish it this year. Thanks so much for sharing your goal and I wish you luck reaching it.

    1. Yeah, it definitely can be a struggle. Thanks and I hope you reach your goal as well!

  4. Hey, do whatever works for you! It's supposed to be fun, not stressful :) I think you've been smart in setting it lower - if you find yourself waaay ahead of schedule, you can always change it, and in the meantime it takes off the pressure :)

    1. Definitely! I do hope I surpass the goal but at least for now I find my goal attainable.

  5. I definitely have the same problem re rushing :( I've still set my goal pretty high this year - 110 - but I'm telling myself that if I don't reach 110, it's ok. I need to loosen up, I think, and just relax.

    Great post!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Yeah, I mean, I could never set my goal to 110 books, that’s amazing, but I shouldn’t be pressured to meet my goal no matter how small. Good luck with yours :)

  6. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article.
