Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Dystopia
Published: September 3rd, 2013 by: Little, Brown and Company
Pages: 323
Rating: 2/5 stars
For centuries after nuclear warfare, humanity has lived on a spaceship known as the Arc, far above from the now inhabitable planet. However, fuel and oxygen are beginning to run out, and so Chancellor Jaha orders that 100 juvenile delinquents be sent back to earth to recolonize. Among them is Clarke, an artist arrested for treason; and Bellamy, a troublemaker who snuck his way onto the mission in order to protect his sister Octavia. The 100 will face new found hardships and a planet unfamiliar to them, but they may be humanity's only hope.
Ok, so I absolutely love the tv show The 100. I find it so action-packed, complex, and the characters are unbelievably well-written. So I was eager to get my hands on the book to help me cope with this dreaded year-long hiatus. However, and this is a pretty popular opinion, I found that the tv show is way better than the book.
I didn't love how the characters were written. Clarke didn't seem even half as badass as she is in the show and Bellamy was just so dull. I couldn't imagine them as the characters that I know and love and I found them so underdeveloped and underwhelming. I thought Octavia was ok, she definitely still remains my favourite character, but still I wanted more.
The plot was also quite boring. I waited so long for something to happen and it took forever for things to get going. This is unlike the show, which through me right into the action.
I guess what kept me from fully hating this book was that I was already familiar with the characters and the general storyline, so I wasn't fully disconnected. However I now know that the show changed a lot of things, and I am very thankful for that. For once, the show was better.
Have you read The 100? What did you think?
Emily @ Paperback Princess
Totally agree with you! I found the book so incredibly slow, and not credible at all, and the characters were so dull.
ReplyDeleteGreat review, but sorry you were also disappointed: (
Thanks Amy! Yeah, I know a lot of people prefer the show.
DeleteI read this series a year or two ago, and honestly don't remember that much. I also agree that the TV series is much better!! The only parts I was interested in were Glass' plot, simply because she's not part of the TV series. When I was reading about the characters that are also in the show, I was just let down because I was constantly comparing the book to it's adaption.
ReplyDeleteMe too! Although I was actually less interested in Glass because she wasn’t part of the show. I just didn’t see a reason for her there and she kinda got in the way of the characters I know and love.
DeleteI have not yet read the book, but this discourages me from reading it. I'm happy just watching the tv show.
ReplyDeleteYeah, don’t even bother to be honest.
DeleteI had the same reaction; the TV show is honestly just so much better and is really well thought out and developed. This book is just so underwhelming. At first I wanted to at least read the rest of the series but now I don't think I'll bother. Lovely review!
ReplyDeleteLaura @BlueEyeBooks
Yeah, I don't think I'll bother either. It's such a shame too because if the book were exactly like the show, it would have been so awesome!!
DeleteI've heard about this TV show a lot online, but haven't seen it - I didn't realise it was a book too! I think we need to move away from whether TV shows or books are 'better' - they're all part of the story, they just deal with different parts of it in different ways; it's how you know the story is alive ;)
ReplyDeleteYeah, it has a really big fan presence on twitter I find. I just love the show :D I really like your point here, Cee! I guess we all just get into the habit of comparing two different mediums, but you’re right, they’re not good or bad, just different.