Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Paperback's Pondering's: That One Book...

Paperback's Pondering's is a weekly discussion when I take a topic and well, ponder about it! This week's topic is all about that one book... the book that changed you forever.

We all have that one book. The book that we either picked up on a whim one day, or the book that we've heard everyone fuss over and wanted to see for ourselves. This book is usually a standalone, meaning that it stole your heart in just one moment, it didn't take long to get through, and you will love it forever. Allow me to explain:

Choosing my one book did not prove to be an easy task for this post. There were many books that effected me in many ways. Some I laughed, some I cried, But all left an impact for me. Finally, I settled on Paper Towns by: John Green. I chose this book because the first time I read it I knew that it would be a favourite. I was in Grade 8, fresh off of reading The Fault in Our Stars and swooning over Gus, and so I picked up this one because I just KNEW that it would be great. Looking back on it now, I wonder if I was in the right mindset back then to make such a bold assumption, but after re reading it last year I confirmed that to be true.

The reason I loved this book so much was because it goes deeper than a cheesy contemporary. This book tells of a journey, a mystery, and friendship. It taught me what it feels like to be so dedicated to someone you love (or think) you love. But it didn't give me unrealistic forms of romance, in fact, it dives deeper into friendship more than romantic relationships. This book left me laughing and with a smile on my face, and I will never forget how much I enjoyed it. It was my one book. The book that I can never get tired of.

I think it's very important to have a one book. I say "one" instead of favourite because I simply cannot pick a favourite book. I would consider HP and the Deathly Hallows as one of my favourite books, or even The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The point I'm trying to make is, that favourite books and that "one" book is different. While both books are parts of you, bring smiles to you, I would consider my favourite books to be more parts of series that I read over my childhood. Books that make me nostalgic. However my "one" book would have to be read when I was in a significant point in my life, when I needed it most.

I think the reason I chose Paper Towns was because I read it at a turning point in my life. I was graduating from elementary school, going to a high school different from all of my friends, and I would have to start fresh. I wondered if I would ever see them again. Like Q and his friends graduating from high school, they wondered if they'd ever keep in touch. Would they want to keep in touch? And THAT'S why this book meant so much to me. I helped me to go into high school with some memories to hold onto.

So what's your One book? Did it take you long to pick it? Why does it mean so much to you? I want to know!!

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. This is a cool idea that I have never really thought of. I guess my one book would be "Maybe Someday" by Colleen Hoover. I picked it up on a whim, and now it has a very special place in my heart. I don't even know why it has that affect on me, it just does.

    1. Thanks Sierra! That book seems very sweet, I've heard great things from it!

  2. Gosh I LOVE Paper Towns! :D I think my one book would have to be Eat Pray Love- I read it once a year and I find it so perfect for me! Definitely life changing.

    1. Oooh I haven't read that one! It looks very inspiring and unique!

  3. I see how Paper Towns is that one book for you! The themes in there are definitely relatable, given the place you were at! I can't really think of that one book for me... maybe Pride and Prejudice? It's my one book, because it's the first classic I ever read - the one that convinced me that classics aren't all boring and stuffy and completely hard to read! Interesting post, Emily - I never really thought about this before!

    1. Thanks Geraldine! I read Pride and Prejudice a few years ago as well, and it was actually very funny and cute! Classics can be enjoyable too sometimes :)

  4. Oh gosh, that ONE book would probably have to be Rites of Passage by Joy N Hensley. It deals with sexism in the military and it was so empowering and I felt so much girl power after that. I never really considered myself a feminist until afterwards. GIRLS RULE <3 Great post!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. Thanks Rachel! I've seen Rites of Passage in bookstores but I've never thought to pick it up! Perhaps it could be a new favourite of mine!
