Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Paperback's Pondering's: Bookish Pet Peeves

Paperback's Pondering's is a weekly discussion when I take a topic and well, ponder about it! This week's topics surrounds the biggest struggles that bookworms may have!

There are a lot of things that bug me in the world. I hate loud chewers, slow walkers and extreme complainers to name a few. But many of my pet peeves do surround my favourite hobby: books, and I decided to outline them!

Everyone may think that bookworms have it easy, but to be honest, they do not know that the struggle is real. Bookworms have to deal with many pressures that normal people just would never understand, and we are some of the most hard-done-by fangirls out there!

For starters, I have a weird fetish with my books that I CANNOT, MUST NOT, WILL NOT, stop reading in the middle of a chapter. It doesn't matter if I'm exhausted, I have a headache, or the house is burning down; (ok maybe that one was a bit exaggerated), I'm finishing that damn chapter! It's just this weird pet peeve of mine that I feel incomplete or that I won't know what's going on when I pick up the book the next time without finishing a scene. I like to have SOME closure.

Another pet peeve that I have is quite a common one, a disastrous one, one that it so damn annoying that it should be a federal crime, and that is, people who reveal spoilers online! Now I get it, you finish a book that had some weird twisted ending and you just want to explain your excitement on goodreads, twitter etc. However, a simple: "WOAH I DID NOT EXPECT THAT ENDING IN SAID BOOK", should suffice, because you MUST remember that there are innocent human beings out there who will not expect your comment and THEN BE SURPRISED AND SAD TO FIND OUT THAT THEIR  FAVOURITE CHARACTER DIES BEFORE THEY EVEN FINISH THE SERIES! Uhmm... sorry, that was a personal experience. *crawls in a hole and wipes tears*. So, just be cautious when fangirling.

Now this next pet peeve is something that is quite out of my control, something that I do not really know the reasoning behind, and yet it still bothers me to no end, and that is, how ridiculously over-priced books are. I have seen clothes a Forever 21 that have been a cheaper price than some paperbacks, PAPERBACKS! Now I completing understand how expensive it is to develop books and such, but I find, especially in Canada, that the prices of books have been going up and are a large gap between the U.S. prices. For someone who is a very fast reader, I find myself limiting the amount of time I read for fear of "running out of books", and having to go and buy more. Thankfully I have discovered some alternatives in ebooks, but sometimes you just want a gorgeous physical copy in your hands and can't get it because it will take up half of your birthday money! *sobs*.

DEEP BREATH! Ok, so that was a (short) rant on my main book pet peeves! Let me know that bothers you the most about being a bookworm and if you have found any alternatives to any problems!

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Ha, there's very little that bugs me - I'm quite easy going. And I'll leave a book in the middle of a page to go do something else :P (I can hear you shuddering from a continent away.) My main peeve is returning books with a marble embedded in the first page (this *has* actually happened to me) - I don't mind scuffs, dings, even small tears, but at what point did I say it would be OK to... marble-ify... my book? ;)

    1. I wish I could be like you! Really a marble? That's gotta be the most random thing ever!

  2. Okay, but really talk, that loud chewing one kills me to know end. My younger brother is a loud chewer and every time he eats around me it takes everything not to main or seriously injure him. That last one though; like why are books so expensive????

    1. I know right?! It's not even like they're chewing with their mouth open, it's just the general sound that kills me!

  3. Oh my gosh I totally get what you mean with the rising book prices and how some branded clothes cost more than some paperbacka! So so so frustrating!!
    For the longest time ever, a pet peeve was whenever someone bent my books out of shape (you know, cracking the spine too far out, etc.). It's kinda calmed down since then, but it still annoys me, just a tiny little bit... >.<
    Great post - I never really thought about my bookish pet peeves until now!

    1. Thanks Geraldine! I hate it when the spines get out of shape, but sometimes it's hard to avoid with a flimsy paperback!

  4. Augh the expensive books one! Literally the only reason I got a job was to pay for books hahaha.

    1. I'm probably going to get a job soon for the same reason!

  5. I get so frustrated when people spoil books online! I'm totally with you on that one. Books definitely seem to be getting more expensive, too :/ A pet peeve of mine is dog-eared pages.

    1. Dig-eared pages are terrible too! Especially when it's someone else who does it to your books!

  6. I'm exactly the same - I can't leave in the middle of a chapter either. Chapters are meant to be read whole so stopping in the middle is ridiculous! If you were meant to stop in the middle the author would have chosen to split the chapter there.

    However, I disagree about spoilers. In my opinion, something is only a spoiler if you let it ruin things for you. And, for example, if someone told me the entire plot of the final Daughter of Smoke and Bone book it wouldn't be a spoiler to me because I have no context or knowledge of characters or plot.

    Great post!

    1. Exactly! I think it goes with my mentality that I like to finish things. Spoilers both me so much because if I've invested so much time in a series to find someone wreck the ending, then I feel like there's no point in finishing the series for me now. I just like the fact that ignorance is bliss.
