Friday 2 June 2023

Month in Review: May


May just flew by! I feel like I blinked and missed it. While I had a lot of fun last month, this month is full of even more excitement. But before we get to June, here's what happened in May. (Also, peep the new graphics! Thanks Canva). 

What I Read: 

The Story of Us by: Catherine Hernandez: 4/5 stars 

Watchmen by: Alan Moore: 3/5 stars 

I Am I Am I Am by: Maggie O'Farrell: 4/5 stars 

Loathe to Love You by: Ali Hazelwood: 3.5/5 stars 

Icebreaker by: Hannah Grace: 1/5 stars 

Favourite book: I really enjoyed The Story of Us. It was my second Hernandez book after Scarborough and I found the premise to be super unique and the character building was quite strong. Review to come! 

What I Blogged: 

There were weeks in May where I just...forgot to blog? But, I still stayed fairly consistent and I'm really glad I finally wrote my review for When The Reckoning Comes by: LaTanya McQueen. It was such a good read. 

Favourite Blog Posts: 

Cee asks: Is This a Book Blog, Though? 

Nyx shares What Influences Her to Read A Book (As a Non-Book Blogger) 

Nicole recommends MG Books for Young Horror Fans 

Life Stuff: 

As previously mentioned, May was fun! I started off the month with a vacation to San Francisco, which was an awesome bucket list experience as I had never been to California previously. So many of the sites were really cool and I got to see seals and sea lions in the bay. As an animal lover that was a major highlight. 

I ended the month with an academic conference in Toronto where I met so many cool people both in and outside of my field, and I learned a lot. I also presented the previously mentioned paper that I was initially struggling with writing but I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I got some good feedback on it overall so I'm considering the hard work as worth it. I considered the advice I got in the comments about taking my time with the editing to be the most helpful. Thank you all. 

This month is bringing weddings, graduation parties, and a lot of milestones for friends and family. I am looking forward to it all. Summer is the best season for celebrations in my opinion. 

That was my May! How was yours? 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Ooh! Love the graphics :)

    Eep! Thanks for the shoutout! :)

    Yay! I'm so glad everything worked out with your paper :)

    1. Thank you Cee! The graphics was a lonnggg process lol. A detailed explanation post is coming.

  2. California! How fun!! And the new graphics look great!

  3. San frncisco sounds so awesome. I hope your month is off to a nice start!
