Monday, 19 March 2018

What it Means to Me to be a Writer

It seems like throughout every writing course I have ever taken, I've been given the same advice, and that is: to never stop writing. I saw a tweet the other day where someone stated that the main advice they had been given all their writing career was that "when you stop writing, you stop being a writer." This lines up exactly what I had been taught. I was always told to write at least 1000 words a night, to never take breaks, and to push myself beyond what I thought I could do. And, like the woman in her tweet said, I am now trying to push that rule out of my head.

Writing fiction is harder than people think. It is not as simple as stream of consciousness writing, in which you know exactly what you want to say and it all flows out. Actual thought has to go into each sentence, and it takes a long time. Bottom line, it is tiring, and I don't always have time to do it everyday. So, when people tell me than in order to be a successful writer, I have to be taking down chunks of a manuscript every evening, that discourages me.

One of my pet peeves is when people say, "you aren't a writer unless you've written a book!" Technically speaking, the definition of a writer is not a job, it is someone who uses written words to communicate their ideas. Hell, even writing essays for school makes you a writer!! I feel like there are some pretty pretentious people out there that think they are above everybody else because they have been published. This group is a few, but they are such a downer on the people who are just getting started.

Writing for me is something that I do when I want to. I am not hunched over a desk at 2:00 am rushing to meet deadlines because someone told me "when I stop writing, I stop being a writer." I am a writer simply by writing this post, by writing an essay, heck, when writing a coherent tweet! And I refuse to be pressured into forcing myself to write a story every night that isn't there. I think I will turn out better that way.

What does writing mean to you?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Oh, your're absolutely right! I'm no writer- not in the traditional sense- but I really feel what you've said here. I tend to rebel against set schedules and stuff too, and it's like one surefire way to ensure I DON'T enjoy what I'm doing. You do you, Em! That's the best <33

    1. Exactly!! I hate forcing myself to do something because I then grow to hate it! Thanks Ruzaika :D

  2. F**k yeah! If you are a writer, then you write. But if you write one word a month, and you consider yourself a writer, then you're a writer.

    To me, the thing that marks writers out is the desire to write - personally, to me, it's more like a *need* to write, just like I need to read. I know that seems dramatic, but I was an early reader and I've read almost every day of my life; ditto for writing - even if it's just a blog comment or an e-mail. The only time I haven't is when I've been *super* unwell - both mentally and physically. And even then I *wanted* to read and write - I just couldn't bring myself too (or, during migraine attacks, couldn't actually see the page!)

    I may've got a little off-track there! ;) But basically, I'm with you Em, all the way! XD

    1. *couldn't bring myself *to* - my grammar is sh** today!

    2. I definitely agree! I need to write sometimes too, but I don’t always need to write. I guess I mood write like i mood read!

  3. I just broke into an anxious sweat when I read "when you stop writing, you stop being a writer". That just seems so stressful to me! I was just having a conversation with a composer the other day (I'm in choir) and she was talking about how for her, creating things comes from the things that you consume and writers block comes when you spend all your time creating and not enough time consuming. I'm definitely like you in that I write when I have that writing bug in my ear!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Lol I know, that statement always stresses me out too! What your composer said is so true. You need time to take in content in order to learn from it.

  4. How I missed this post I don't know!! But I'm here now ;)

    Amazing post Emily, and so, so, SO true and honest. When I feel bad for not writing my WIP, I remind myself that a blog post counts as writing, and that I shouldn't have to feel like writing only matters if it's a full length book of say 50,000 words. Because it doesn't! Writing is writing whatever you're writing.
    Totally agree with everything you've said.

    1. Definitely!! I feel so accomplished when I write a blog post because at least it’s something!! Nobody can crank out 5000 words of writing a day.
