Thursday 27 April 2023

Month in Review: April

I didn't post anything in April besides this post... lol. Alas, marking very much did get in the way. But that's okay! I'm hoping to return back to consistency now that summer is on its way. In any case, here's what happened in April: 

What I Read: 

Anne's House of Dreams by: L.M. Montgomery: 4/5 stars 

VenCo by: Cherie Dimaline: 3/5 stars 

If Not, Winter by: Sappho (edited by Anne Carson): 4/5 stars 

My Name's Yours, What's Alaska? by: Alaska Thunderfuck 5000: 4/5 stars 

The Sunbearer Trials by: Aiden Thomas: 3/5 stars 

Favourite book of the month: There were no five star reads this month, but I did think that Anne's House of Dreams was so delightful. The Anne of Green Gables series is pretty much one of the few classic series I actually enjoy, and this book was no exception. 

What I Blogged: 

Nothing, haha! 

Favourite Blog Posts of the Month: 

Roberta invited me to consider: If I Could Go Back and Change One Thing About My Life, What Would it Be? 

Really, my blog hopping wasn't up to par this month either. But I hope to be able to read more posts in the future as well. 

Life Stuff: 

Now that my teaching assistant position is finished, I seriously need to start looking for a place to live in my new city. It'll be stressful for sure, but I've been putting it off for too long and it needs to get done. 

May will be a bit busy. I am going on vacation next week which I am super excited for, and at the end of the month I'm going to an academic conference. I get really nervous presenting in front of a lot of people, but I like to go to these conferences to get practice at it and push myself out of my comfort zone. 

Other than that, I will continue to move forward! That was my April. How was yours? 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I kind of wish I had read the Green Gables series growing up, it just sounds like a comforting childhood type of read! I look back with nostalgia at some of thiose I read growing up!

    Have a great vacation and here's to a great May!! :)

    1. It's super comforting. I would highly recommend to read it even now!

  2. Aw, another shout-out 💜.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your apartment hunt and your conference! I admire you for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I've always been the worst at that.

  3. Hope you have/had (depending on when you see this!) a good vacation Em :)
