Thursday, 12 April 2018

A Little More Information on my WIP

Hello all! Today I thought I'd give more insight on my WIP, as I have been working on it for a really long time but have never really shared a lot about it. If you recall, a while ago I shared what was in my writing portfolio, one of which was a snippet from my current work that I'm writing. It is a YA fantasy novel, probably going to take forever to finish, but I am slowly but surely completing chunks of it. I haven't come up with just the right title for it yet, so for now it's being know as Gray Palace. This will probably change.

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Published: Probably Never
Pages: Too many to count
Rating: To be determined

Synopsis: Ely belongs to a group of mystical fortune tellers known as the Aquarys, social outcasts that are seen as valuable only for their ability to tell the future and are otherwise banished to a small village in the shadow of the tyrannical Nuvian empire. King Kyle of Nuvia is a ruthless king, who has killed countless Aquarys and starved his civilians without remorse. His elusive castle, Gray Palace is a threat to anyone who approaches it. When Kyle requests for a fortune teller to be brought to Gray Palace for a summer party, Ely will risk every possible danger by jumping at the chance, seeing it as an opportunity to use her hypnosis powers to seduce, and kill the king. But Ely will find that Gray Palace holds secrets that she should have never known, and her murder plot will prove to be a lot more difficult once Kyle takes it upon himself to try and get into her head.

That's pretty much it! I would share a snippet but I have an irrational fear of sharing my writing so you all will just have to deal with a synopsis for now LOL. But maybe with a lot more time and editing I will share down the road. I'm still happy to have shared the synopsis :)

Have you got a WIP?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. The synopsis sounds really good. My friends and I are currently working on writing a novel about people with powers. I'm also working on a novel with a friend that has to do with water and fire. I'd love to here more about your writings in the future. Thanks for sharing the synopsis for your novel.

  2. This sounds so unique and good, Emily! I love the premise. And I totally know you mean about sharing a snippet ;) It's so scary. Lol.

    Hope the writing keeps going well :)

    1. Thank you so much for the compliment, Amy! :)

  3. This sounds so good! It's definitely something I would read (I'm such a fantasy nut it's not even funny). I hope your writing journey is going well, Emily :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Thanks Laura! Oddly enough fantasy isn’t even the genre I personally read the most of but writing it comes much more naturally to me than writing contemporary.

  4. Awesomeness! Is it Ely like Ellie/El-lee, or like Eli/E-lie, or like Ee-lee? Because I keep trying to read it all three ways at the same time! Lol XD

    1. Thanks Cee! It’s Ely like Ellie/El-lee :)

  5. Sounds very promising! I love the fortune teller angle, and the idea of the castle being elusive has me curious too. Obviously a dangerous place? Good luck with the writing, and I hope we get to read some of it one of these days!

    1. Thank you Greg! Yes, this castle which serves as the main setting for the majority of the book is quite dangerous. I hope I’ll work up the courage to share more of my writing soon!

  6. Ooh the synopsis sounds great!
    Keep plugging at it at. :)
    They say that finishing it is the hardest bit. Write the book then edit after!

    Dinh@Arlene's Book Club

    1. Thanks for the advice, Dinh! I am definitely writing to my hearts content :)
