Friday, 14 June 2024

Making Peace with a New Blogging Schedule

As someone with OCD, I can be a bit difficult on myself. I'm the type of person that when I get something in my head that I need to do, it needs to be done, asap. This means, that if I plan to clean my apartment, but for whatever reason, I get super busy during the day, it's still getting done even if it's 1:00 am and I should be sleeping. I obsess over the task, and this exact scenario has happened before. 

This phenomena has led me to overthink when I write blog posts. I usually have posts go up every Friday, pending of course the long hiatuses I took during school. But if I particularly have a busy week and I don't have time to write, I still feel like I need to set aside time to write a blog post even if there are not enough hours in the day. It seems like life or death: it's in my head, so now it needs to be done. The result is that writing blog posts is not always enjoyable for me anymore. Sometimes they feel like a chore, something to just tick off of a to-do list and then head to do the other thing. So, I am challenging myself to do some revamping. 

Given my updated work schedule and just general life events, I want to push myself to undo the weekly blog schedule and instead upload posts on Fridays when my heart desires. This means I might post every Friday at first, then do every other Friday, maybe even go three Fridays before I write and schedule another post. I know this task will be uncomfortable for me as I don't want to feel like I am abandoning my blog or not fulfilling my blogging duties. But I need to get to the point where every task I complete in a day is not something that I obsess to the point where I'm making myself sick over it. Especially blogging should be enjoyable, and not a chore. 

I can get uncomfortable when routines are undone like this. But I do think it's a good first step in getting to a point where I don't need to check everything off my list in order to feel complete in a day. Then perhaps at some point I'll feel stable enough to integrate a bit more of a blogging routine again without the stress. I am hopeful that this change will be for the better. 

How are you with tasks? Do you create a strict routine for yourself? 

Emily @ Paperback Princess