
Friday 24 February 2017

My Staying in Essentials: The Life of an Introverted Bookworm

As a bookworm who also happens to be the biggest introvert on the planet, I stay in a lot. I just prefer cozying up with a good book rather than a night on the town, but that's just me. So when Leesa, an online mattress company  was looking for people to share their staying-in essentials, I knew I had to share. So here are my tips for the perfect night:

First off, I like to take a nice shower. I like to be clean when I'm spending a night in, it helps me to sleep and overall relaxes me. So I shower, put on some sweet smelling body butter and get into a cozy onesie. Fuzzy socks are also on my list because I am always cold and my feet are always like bricks of ice, so that's a must. Then, it's time to get into my bed.

Like I said, I'm always cold, so I like to have a ton of blankets and pillows around me. It feels like my own personal fort, and I love being surrounded like that.

My favourite staying in snack has got to be something sweet. I love cupcakes or donuts, and usually will bake something the day before to have as a snack. I like to have comfort food.

I like to watch some Netflix or Youtube during my staying-in night, and I usually do this early on in the evening because when it gets too late I will be too tired to pay attention lol! I will either re-watch an episode of Gilmore Girls, my perfect comforting show, or I will watch a new episode of the show I'm currently watching: Suits.

Then, the main star of the show, my book. I read near the end after I'm done watching my show because it helps me to unwind my mind and get away from the electronics. I usually read the book I'm currently reading, I don't like to re-read a book just for a staying-in night, so currently I'm reading The Sun is Also a Star by: Nicola Yoon and that is my staying-in book! I think fluffy romances make the best cozy books.

Finally, I will put away everything, and meditate for 10 minutes. This may sound cheesy, but I've been doing this right before I go to sleep for about a month now and I just feel like it helps to put all my anxious thoughts to bed and gives me a better sleep. I like to meditate on my Headspace app.

Then, it's bed time. I will get out of my meditation, stretch, and turn off the lights. It's been my definition of a perfect night :)

What are your staying-in essentials?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I don't do meditation... my childhood was filled with too much incense and other hippie nonsense, and I have no patience for all that. Glad it works for you though :)

    1. Understandable:) I was never really exposed to that kind of stuff when I was younger, so now I find it fascinating!

    2. Yeah... I just... can't. Be thankful that your childhood didn't include the same amount of hippie-ness as mine did!

  2. I'm like you in that I'll watch some videos until about 9 or 10pm and then I try to read at least one chapter of whatever I'm reading to kind of slow my brain down from all the electronics. I've tried meditating in the past but instead of fixing my anxiety it actually makes it worse haha, so I use white noise apps on the nights I struggle getting to sleep.

    1. I definitely think mediation varies by person and everyone has different reactions to it. I was definitely anxious about it when I first started it, but luckily now I think it's helped me.

  3. Wow, that sounds so fun! I don't do anything specific or fancy honestly, I stay in a lot, but today was an exception. I was out the whole day making human contact and I was exhausted, so my comfort book was The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, thick socks because I get cold feet as well, and reading on the couch with a nice cup of tea. Perfect evening after such a day.

    I'd really like to try meditating though, it is hard for me to fall asleep sometimes so I think it might help.

    1. Sounds like the perfect evening! Honestly a good book makes everything better. Meditation might be good to try out! I find it helps me go straight off to sleep :)

  4. Honestly, I'm so jealous of your routine. I have no routine at all, I struggle to sleep at normal times and will end up being awake till 4/5am most nights, it's the worst. I don't have a particular time for reading, I just cram it in whenever I can. Usually when I read the most is when my boyfriend is watching football or when he's fallen asleep and I have yet too (so like every night).

    I love your routine though! <3

    1. Thanks Kristy! Everyone's different but I do think that mindfulness before sleep really helps! I like to be put in the right mindset, you know?

  5. Oh my word that sounds like heaven :) I love doing all those things too, and one of the reasons I love winter so much is because I can cuddle in pillows and blankets!
    Awesome post, Emily!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words
