
Wednesday 22 February 2017

A Thousand Nights by: E.K. Johnston

Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Fantasy, Retelling
Published: October 6, 2015 by: Disney Hyperion
Pages: 328
Rating: 3/5 stars

Lo-Melkhiin is a ruthless king, a killer, who takes a bride only to kill her that same night. When Lo-Melkhiin arrives at her village, and tries to take her sister, her best friend, she decides that she must risk everything to save her sister's life. She is brave, fearless, and she is determined to prevent her death by enthralling the king into her master storytelling. Will she be able to survive? 

Another retelling One Thousand and One Arabian Nights, although, it was kind of a let-down? Idk, I felt like this book dragged on for too long and lost me by the ending, although I do love the concept and am always a sucker for a retelling. 

I liked how this book didn't name the main protagonist. She is the narrator, but people don't refer to her by her name through the entire book. I thought that this was very unique and mysterious, and really helped to contribute to the mood. However, it is kind of nice to put a name to a face. 

I tend to automatically rate retellings higher because I really do love them. Especially this story, I loved The Wrath and the Dawn and was so willing to start a new one, and I especially like how these books are big on the description. This book has some beautiful writing because it has a lot of details, and also appeals to the senses. It will keep you intrigued. 

However I found this book to be incredibly slow. I was intrigued in the beginning, but as it went on it just dragged and dragged, and I was less interested with every page. It was almost like there was too much description and not enough plot, that it just lacked in any action. 

I also didn't find much chemistry with our protagonist and Lo-Melkhiin. They just seemed forced and unnatural, and just really wrong. It didn't feel like a romance at all. 

So overall, this book was kind of: meh? It was ok, but definitely wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. 

Have you read A Thousand Nights? What did you think? 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I always think it would be easier to write non-named protagonists in first person than in third. But it sounds like this is in third...?

    1. This was in first person so it was a bit easier, but it was still quite odd, you know?

  2. Oh no, what a disappointment! I've been eyeing this one for quite sometime now and was expecting something gooood, even if not as good as TWatD. I really find it difficult to plough on through slow-paced books, and the lack of chemistry would be a bummer too. Looks like I'm rid of one book on my TBR, so thank you :D Great review, Em!

    1. I was definitely expecting something good as well but I just did not get that. TWATD was just ten-times better, so I would just say not to waste your time with this one :( Thanks Ruzaika!

  3. That's interesting that the MC doesn't have a name... Been thinking about reading this one for a while now but I'm not so sure it's worth it anymore :/

    1. I would definitely more recommend The Wrath and the Dawn by: Renee Adhieh if you're looking for this kind of story. This one was such a bummer.

  4. Great review! I've heard a lot of mixed things about this book so I don't think I'll end up reading it. I just have so many amazing books that I wan't to concentrate on! I tagged you in the 'who am i' tag btw! HERE

    1. Yeah, I wouldn't say that this would be a priority! Thanks for the tag :)

  5. Oh I was actually looking forward to reading this book! Coz of the diversity and the freaking gorgeous cover! and wow weird to have a MC with no name!? Like wow... I personally love retellings but might pass up on this one...


    1. The cover was what drew me in but I think this just goes to show to not judge a book by it's cover! I would pass on this as there are better retellings.
