
Wednesday 27 July 2022

Month in Review: July


CW: this post will discuss COVID 

July was spent mostly recovering from COVID. If you read my June month in review, I was still crossing my fingers that I would remain unscathed, but I did end up catching the virus and it did leave me with a pretty nasty cough. That being said, I am feeling MUCH better now, and am looking forward to August. Here's what I got up to July: 

What I Read: 

As the Wicked Watch by: Tamron Hall: 4/5 stars 

Indians on Vacation by: Thomas King: 4/5 stars 

The Bride Test and The Heart Principle by: Helen Hoang: 5/5 stars 

Wrong Side of the Court by: H.N. Khan: 3/5 stars 

Scarborough by: Catherine Hernandez: 5/5 stars 

Favourite book: I will be encouraging everyone to read Scarborough by: Catherine Hernandez until the day I die. For those unfamiliar, Scarborough is a district in Toronto known for having a diverse population, but also a lot of poverty. In this book, Catherine Hernandez offers a fictionalized depiction of the lives of Scarborough's residents. It was a fantastic book, whether you're familiar with the dynamics of area or not. 

What I Blogged: 

I really enjoyed my blog post discussing Reading Books with Bad Characters. It was definitely a complicated topic to get through, but I think it prompted a lot of great discussion. I especially learned a lot about the controversial book American Psycho! 

Favourite Blog Posts of the Month: 

Cee says The Devil Wears Double Standards 

Claire shares her experiences living in Korea in My Life Has Changed 

Roberta asks: Movies or TV Shows? 

Life Stuff: 

I won't bore you with any more COVID news. Long story short: it was bad, but I'm better. Near the end of the month I was able to get my hair cut and I got a new tattoo! It's an outline of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the back of my arm, and I am in love with it. 

At the beginning of August, I'm going on a family vacation to Pennsylvania. This will be my first time leaving the country since the pandemic, and I'm really excited. I won't have a new post up next week because of this, but I'll be back in no time! I hope we all stay healthy and have a great time. We're planning on a day trip to NYC, which I'm really stoked for. 

So, that was my month! How was yours? 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. The tattoo looks so cool! Hope you will have a lovely vacation :)

  2. Glad you're feeling better Em!

    And thanks so much for the link! :) <3

    (' I especially learned a lot about the controversial book American Psycho! ' - lol!)

    1. Haha, thanks Cee for educating me and sending me down the rabbit hole of researching that book!

    2. Not so sure that's something you should thank me for! ;)

  3. Emily!! Omg when are you heading to Pennsylvania? My family is based there and if I am back from Korea at that time...would love to maybe meet up???!!!

    So sorry to hear that you had to battle COVID, but I am glad that you are feeling better! Cases are going up where I am living now, so I am trying to be more vigilant. I'm only in Korea for about ten more days and it would be a shame to catch the virus before I'm headed home!

    I'm finding it hard to believe that it's already August. July felt slow day-to-day, but now that it's over it feels like it went by in a flash.

    Also-- excited to hear that you enjoyed Helen Hoang's books! I'm looking for something lighter to read after finishing the incredibly written but also devastating "Empire of Pain" by Patrick Keefe and "Just Mercy" by Bryan Stevenson, two nonfiction books about important social issues in the US.

    Wishing you a wonderful August! :)

    claire @ clairefy

    1. Aw, I'm in PA right now, Claire! We're here for the week, so it looks like you'll still be in Korea by the time we're gone :( bummer! But I hope you stay healthy and enjoy the rest of your time there!

      I would definitely recommend Hoang's books for a light read. I haven't heard of the books you mentioned, but maybe I'll check them out when I can take the content lol!

      Have a wonderful August as well :)

  4. Glad you put the nasty virus behind you, even if it was bad. At least you're getting better and even going on vacation! And aw, you mentioned one of my posts again 😭💙.

    1. Thanks Roberta! It was my pleasure to share one of your posts :)

  5. Glad you're feeling better from Covid! And have a great trip! Your post about Bad Characters sounds super interesting- I'm going to go read that next. :)

    July seemed to fly by, at least for me. Here's to a great August!!

    1. Thanks Greg! July did fly by :( I'm semi-disappointed since I love summer, but I also do love the vibes that fall brings.

    2. Same here! I'm looking forward to all the autumn- y things :)
