
Sunday 26 December 2021

I'm Back! Updates and Plans for 2022

Hello blogging world! I think it's been no secret that I pretty much dropped off the face of the blogging earth these past few months. In September I planned on going on a short hiatus to sort out how to find a blog/life balance, as school has kept me very busy. But then, school pretty much only got worse in terms of busyness and I just knew that I would have no time at any point soon to return. However, now that I am on winter break and the main hustle and bustle of the holiday's are over, I have finally had the chance to open up the old blogging app, blow off the dust, and update you all. So here it is! 

What I Read: 

Over the past few months, I have been able to read some great books. Luckily, a lot of the books that I have to read for school are novels, and so even though I was technically doing school readings, I was still able to add to my Goodreads tally for the year. I am finishing out the year by reading about 175 books, which is a huge accomplishment, and the most books I've ever read in a year! I am very proud of myself and I credit a lot of that reading to the huge lockdown that Ontario was in for most of the winter and spring. While it's been very hard to pick some favourite books of the year, I will say that I was happy to read and enjoy some books outside of my comfort zone, including classics and non-fiction books. A few of these include Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, No Friend But The Mountains by Behrouz Boochani, and Chernobyl Prayer by Svetlana Alexievich. I hope to continue to push myself to read outside of my comfort zone in the new year. 

What I've Been Watching: 

Despite not being able to blog, I made it a point to set aside some time in the evening to unwind from school and watch some new shows. I finally got to The Umbrella Academy, and omg I absolutely loved it! Both seasons are on Netflix and the themes are so well-written, the action is so entertaining, and the banter is hilarious. If you love superhero tv and dark comedy, this show is the one for you! If you're curious, my favourite Hargreeves sibling is Diego :) 

I'm currently rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and its spin-off, Angel. I do think both of these tv shows have some fascinating themes, and I can't get enough of vampire tropes. So, these shows have very much kept me company these past few months. 

I do still have to get to Hawkeye, and I need to watch the new Spiderman movie. I've caught up with all of the Marvel movies that I've missed over the years, except for No Way Home. Judging by all of the positive reviews, I'm very much looking forward to watching it. 

Life Stuff: 

Obviously, school has been all-consuming since September. But I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't having a good time. I've made a lot of friends in my masters cohort. We're a small group so we look out for each other, which is great. My courses for the fall term were a little bit more general, but next term I have a superhero course to look forward to! I've been able to receive a lot of cool comics that I need to get to, which will for sure prepare me for that course. I'm super excited. 

Overall, my grades were good for the fall term, and the fun thing is, I've also been able to grade first-years as a teaching assistant! I'm really enjoying my position and learning first-hand what it's like to instruct university students. It's been pretty cool to learn. 

I've also been able to apply to a few creative writing competitions, and it's been fun to get back into writing. I also might have the opportunity to travel to Montreal in May for an academic conference, which is nerve-wracking, but would be pretty cool. Fingers-crossed it works out. 

Health-wise, I've been pretty much the same. Obviously I still deal with OCD and panic attacks, however for Christmas I got some cool self-care tools that I'm hoping to implement and see if they help in any way. School has also been a great distraction from worries and it helps to talk to friends as well. So, we're getting through it! 

Over the next few days, I'll be using some of the gift cards I received to buy some new books to read in 2022. I'm appealing to all of you guys to please send me your recommendations! Anything you've got, such as comics, non-fiction, poetry, and of course, YA, I'm willing to try. I'm looking forward to building up my bookshelf for the new year. 

I've been giving some thought into how to best return to blogging, and I think what makes the most sense is to start writing my posts in the evening time while I watch my shows. I think I can manage one post on Fridays, as I did before, and I just need to time manage a bit better. Of course, things might change, and I'm not going to pressure myself to stick to a routine, but this seems like a plan that will work. 

Overall, I want to apologize for not being as active on the commenting front. I'm hoping to get better at it, and hopefully this new plan will help. I'm really looking forward to seeing all that the book blogging community accomplishes in the new year, and I wish you all a happy and healthy 2022! 

Now it's time for you to please share with me what you've been up to these past few months! How was your holidays? Did you receive anything cool? What are your new year's resolutions? Talk to me! I've missed you guys :) 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. It's so cool that you get to read novel/comics for you courses! And it's great that you were able to get into a teaching assistant position! Not to mention the whole "found family" thing with your fellow students. Of course, if I know you a little, you got what you deserved - but it isn't something one can take for granted in this crazy world.

    I've watched Buffy and Angel for the first time a year ago...maybe more...of course some aspects are dated, since the show first aired so long ago, but it was good entertainment, even if I'm not a vampire buff. Also, seeing good old David Boreanaz of Bones fame in a vampire role was hilarious.

    I hope your blogging plan will work! One evening a week devoted to posting/commenting seems like a feasible goal. Anyhow, we will most certainly forgive you if you aren't able to comment as much as you used to 🙂.

    Happy new year!

    1. Aw thank you for your kind words, Roberta! It does seem like everything school-wise is working out, which I'm grateful for.

      My cousins are trying to convince me to watch Bones after my rewatch. I'm not sure if it'll be my cup of tea, as I tend to be more into fantasy tv shows. Hence, why I love Buffy so much lol.

      Happy new year!

  2. Emily!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you're back-ish and doing well and all that stuff! <3

    Also - I'm totally over-the-moon that you're now an Umbrella Academy fan! *evil cackles* IT'S SO AWESOME!!! <3

    If you ever need to talk superheroes - for academic purposes, ofc ;) - then my DMs are always open, just be aware of the time difference (My DMs are always open to you anyway, you know this <3 )

    1. Haha, I might take up on that, Cee! It's a feminist superhero course that I'm taking, so your expertise may come in handy :) I'm really looking forward to it! And I also cannot wait for Umbrella Academy 3! Hopefully it'll come out soon.

      It's nice to be back! :)

  3. I really liked Umbrella Academy too.

    I had a rough year with reading and blogging but I've been watching a lot of TV/movies and going out hiking so I've stayed busy.

    I finally starting seeing a therapist for my panic attacks and discovered a lot of (better) coping tools. Glad you found something helpful too.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. That's great that you've found a therapist and are working through some helpful coping tools! Therapy can be a hard step for folks to take, but I'm glad it's working out for you :)

  4. Emily! So happy to see a blog post from you again!

    Wow, 175 books is a huge number - congratulations! I’m so pleased to hear you enjoyed The Umbrella Academy - that’s one of my favourite shows I watched this year AND Diego is my fave sibling too!!

    I recently watched the new Spiderman movie and really enjoyed it (I’m looking forward to hearing what you think!), but I have yet to watch Hawkeye and a couple of the other Marvel movies that came out this year.

    I’m so glad you have made a lot of friends through school and that you have courses you are looking forward to! That superhero course sounds so cool :O

    I hope you have had a lovely holiday season and that 2022 is a great year for you! <3

    1. Thank you Sabrina! So I started watching Hawkeye recently and while there are some parts I'm enjoying, it's definitely not a favourite. We'll have to wait and see how the rest of the show plays out!

      I just heard that TUA 3 will be out in summer. I can hardly wait!

      Happy new year!

  5. 175 books= awesome! And I just finished Hawkeye tonight. :) I hope you enjoy it! And your upcoming course sounds like a lot of fun!

    I really liked dead Space for a SF recommendation. It's very intense but deals with AI and murder on an asteroid base. Might be good if you like suspenseful science fiction. Author is Kali Wallace.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, Greg! Scifi is definitely not one of my most read genres, so it will be cool to read outside of my comfort zone. I'll have to check it out.

  6. Welcome back! Sorry that school has been crazy, but I'm glad you're planning to join us back on the blogosphere as much as you can.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


  7. I'm glad that you are back to blogging, Emily! it's good to hear that you read some good books in 2021 and I'm so happy you liked Umbrella Academy, it's such a good show.

    Sofia @Bookish Wanderess

    1. Thank you Sofia. I can't wait for season three!
