
Friday 30 October 2020

Month in Review: October

 Happy (almost) Halloween! I'm spending the day carving pumpkins and savoring the last bits of spooky season. Come next week, I am in full-on Christmas mode. Here's what I got up to in October: 

What I Read: 

Cemetery Boys by: Aiden Thomas: 5/5 stars 

Such a Fun Age by: Kiley Reid: 5/5 stars 

Hearts Unbroken by: Cynthia Leitich Smith: 4/5 stars 

The Glass Hotel by: Emily St. John Mandel: 4/5 stars 

More Than Just a Pretty Face by: Syed M. Masood: 4/5 stars

Of Curses and Kisses by: Sandhya Menon: 3.5/5 stars 

Favourite book: I had a really good reading month, with some new favourites that honestly blew me away. My favourite book of the month was a difficult decision, but ultimately it goes to Cemetery Boys. I just ADORED this novel. The writing was beautiful, the characters were lovable. And, Aiden Thomas replied to my tweet praising this novel, which was honestly a bit of a fangirl moment for me. I will reread this book for years to come. 

What I Blogged: 

This month had OCD awareness week in it, and so my favourite post has to go to my post about My Problems with the word "Obsession." It was good to get some thoughts out that I have been carrying for a long time. 

Favourite Blog Posts of the Month: 

Veronika shares How She Avoids Blog Burn Outs

Cee says: "Mr Trump, the USA Would be Lucky to Look More like Wales"

Tessi writes, Dear Uneducated Professor

Life Stuff: 

I had a really good October. This month I have gotten into running, which is something I never thought I would do regularly. But it really helps with my anxiety, and I enjoy my time immensely when I run. It's a work in progress and I still cramp up, but I am definitely looking to stick with it! 

I had a great time watching a bunch of Halloween movies this month, and gorging on candy. I think I actually enjoyed this Halloween month more than I have in previous years, because my family has been all together. So it's been fun! 

The month ended on a bit of confusion. I always thought that once I finished my English undergrad degree, I would abandon English and move to a mythology degree, as I have really disliked my English courses before but have always been passionate about Greek mythology. However, one of my English professors just told me that she would strongly encourage me to stick with English, and now I'm just confused. I feel like she knows best because obviously she sees potential in me, but just... idk. What's fourth year university without a little confusion about where you're headed?! 

So, I guess November will be spent researching the pro's and con's of what I want to do with my life, all with a little Christmas music sprinkled in. Not a bad way to spend the month to be honest, as I have had much worse months in the past. I'll take it! 

How was your October? What are your plans for November? 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Thanks for the link Em! <3

    Glad to hear you enjoyed The Cemetery Boys - it's def. on my TBR! I love how much support it's getting.

    Hell yes! Bring on the Christmassy Christmas stuff! XD

    1. No problem, Cee! I hope you'll get to read Cemetery Boys soon :)

  2. Happy Halloween!! And glad you had a good October as well! :)

    Good luck with your decision as well. I've always loved Greek mythology as well- in fact, I wish I'd maybe majored in history or something with a more historical background and could have studied mythology- but at the same time professor recommendations can carry a lot of weight too. I wish you the best whichever way you go!

    1. Thanks Greg! Yeah, Greek mythology is just so fascinating! It will still very much be a great interest of mine :)

  3. I'm always in awe of those who can stick to a fitness routine...I've always been glued to my seat LOL. I know it's good for the health, but I hate any kind of exercise with a passion!

    Now that's a curveball, the one your professor throw at you. What I can tell you from experience is: sometimes you look back and regret choosing a certain path for the sole reason you used to love something and thought you hated something else. I made gut choices instead of head choices, and now I'm stuck with an education I don't know what to do with (for many reasons I won't list here) and an ex-hobby turned job that pays shit and that I don't enjoy doing anymore. After all, one can always pursue their interests in their free time - and sometimes it's even more rewarding, because you're your own boss and you do your thing out of love only. Bottom line: if you choose a path, be sure you do it for a more solid reason than "I like this to pieces". Think in longer terms. Be sure (well, as much as one can be) that you have what it takes to go all the way and embrace the outcome. I hope it helps.

    1. That actually helps tremendously, Roberta! First off, I'm sorry that you don't enjoy what you do now. But I believe that it's never too late to pursue your passion so I hope you find joy in whatever you do!

      You offer some great advice. I am pretty confident that I will go the English route, while still keeping Greek mythology as a hobby. Like you said, I am my own boss that way! The last thing I would want is to experience a greek mythology burnout.

      Hope you have a great November, and thank you so much for the advice. It means so much.

  4. I'm glad your October was good! I'm really impressed you started to run and have been sticking to it - and the fact that you're enjoying it is so awe-worthy, haha. I've been walking quite a bit but I doubt I'm strong enough for running. *hides* Definitely want to get back to Chloe Ting's workouts, though!

    So happy you loved Cemetery Boys! :) It was so soft and lovely, it'll definitely become a comfort reread for me in the future.

    1. I have heard great things from Chloe Ting's workouts! A lot of people say they are super hard, so I am a little weary of doing them, but at the same time, it doesn't hurt to try!

      Glad you enjoyed Cemetery Boys as well. It was the ultimate comfort read :)

      Have a great November, Veronika!

  5. I totally get the whole I-have-no-idea-what-to-even-do-now sentiment! I was completely ready to get my master's degree in sustainability but I had a poetry seminar my last semester of undergrad (for my English major) and my professor told me she would be extremely disappointed if I didn't do English for grad school because she loved my poetry so much. Like what?? So now I'm applying to poetry graduate programs instead of sustainability ones. What made up my mind was mostly thinking about what was even important to me going forward with my life. Like what Roberta said, thinking long-term is the way to go! I figured out that I wanted to do more of the informing the public about sustainability stuff instead of the actual research so doing English would actually get me closer and if I want to switch, I can do that later! So basically, go with your gut and no matter what, just keep moving forward! I'm one of those people who agonizes for months about simple decisions and all that wasted time is ridiculous. Anyway, I hope you figure it out and feel happy with your choice because that's what life's all about :)

    Side note, I'm also in 100% Christmas mode now too! Mostly presents for people because this is the year that I will have everything ready on time and not stay up all night on Christmas Eve finishing things :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. That sounds exactly like my situation! Well, good luck with your schooling change as well. I will definitely be taking yours and Roberta's advice. I think I can do more with an English MA so, it looks like that's the way to go! Hopefully we both will get through it :)

      I am pretty stressed about Christmas already because some of the gifts I bought in early October are taking forever to come! And I would rather get all the shopping out of the way now then scramble in December.
