
Friday 25 September 2020

My 500th Blog Post: What I've Learnt Along the Way

I am not usually one to get sappy. In fact, if I hadn't glanced upon it, I probably wouldn't have even noticed that this post is my 500th blog post that I've published. Can you believe?! But I have found that my blog has very much evolved over these past six years. I decided to take some time to reflect on what I've learnt over 500 posts. 

1. It's good to not take yourself too seriously. 

I used to write really stuffy, overly professional blog posts. But I quickly realized that this was not my thing. I don't talk like that in real life, so why would I want to write like that? I have learnt that it's ok to swear, it's ok to be sarcastic, it's ok to go on rant reviews sometimes. I enjoy looking back on my old posts and laughing a bit, because that person was so not me. I'm glad that I have a platform where I am able to be myself. 

2. It's ok to talk about harsh subjects. It's ok to get "political." 

There was a time where I was convinced that if I ever had to use my blog on a resume, that I had to be strictly un-biased and uninformed on political issues for fear that employers would disagree with me. Now I'm like: to hell with that! Us bloggers are privileged to have a position in which we can educate people on world issues. We can talk about racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia, and we should not fear over getting "political." I mean, human rights in my opinion is not even a political issue. If you're not using your platform to speak up, then why do you have it? 

3. Content warnings mean the world to an anxious reader. 

I used to be able to read anything, no matter how dark. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with OCD that I learnt the value in content warnings, and I wish I had utilized them in my reviews sooner. Content warnings show that you care about your reader. And they are certainly NOT spoilers. It took me way longer than it should have, but now I am proud that I put content warnings in all of my reviews. 

4. Sometimes, the design doesn't matter. 

I have never been a graphic designer. When I started my blog I was so stressed that I would have to be able to design all of these fancy headers and widgets. I have since learned that at least for me, all I care about are the words I'm writing. Yes my blog design is super simple. Yes my blog button looks like a children's book. But I have a pretty header that my cousin generously designed for me, and to me, that is all I want in terms of design. I write blog posts, I don't design websites. (But major props to those of you who have drop-dead gorgeous sites. I will forever look up to you). 

5. Your blog friends will be closer than any friends you made in high school. 

I have never been one to make a lot of friends. I barely had any friends in high school, I don't have any close friends in university. The closest people I have in my life are my blogging friends and my family. The truth is, y'all have helped me through some tough shit. Whether it's Cee who helped me through a panic attack, or the weekly Zoom chats I have with Joey, Tessi, Claire, Sofia, and Riv, these relationships matter to me. I am so grateful. 

So, this was my 500th blog post. Thank you so much to every one who has ever read or commented on one of my posts. Blogging is a huge part of my life. It keeps me sane, and I don't know what I would do without it. Here's to 500 more. 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. What a wonderful post! I am especially happy to heard about the close relationships you've made through your blog. I'm a firm believer that my internet friendships are easily just as valuable as those I have IRL.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. You are forever the sweetest Em! :)

    Your blog rocks (and your graphics are pastel-goth/punk - don't let 'em forget it!) You have originality and ideas and an awesome writing tone - 500 more indeed! *clinks imaginary glass* <3

    1. Pastel-goth is the best term I have ever heard to describe my blog! Totally using that from now on :D Thank you so much, Cee That means so much to me :) <3

    2. Ha, you totally should use it! :) <3

  3. Wow Emily congratulations on 500 posts!! It's so cool to see your reflection on your blogging journey, but I agree that reading back on old posts are always fun! It's been so great to see the relationships that can be made through the bookish community and I love our weekly Zoom meetings! ❤️

    riv @ small stained pages

    1. Thank you Riv! Reading old posts is definitely embarassing, but also super fun haha! I'm so grateful that I get to chat with y'all.

  4. I remember you mentioning your "stuffy" posts on my blog LOL. I'm glad you found your voice, and I absolutely endorse your getting "political" - though I wholeheartedly agree that human rights are not a political issue.

    I hear you about friends. I've never had any real friends either, and the people I talk with on my/their blog and GR/Twitter are the closest thing to friends I've ever had.

    I can't wait for your next 500 posts 😉.

    1. Thank you Roberta! I’m glad I found my voice too. I think it can be a big struggle when you start blogging to really be yourself. It’s the best feeling when you finally commit to just doing what you want :)

  5. I love this Emily! I 100% agree about content warnings; I used to never include them in reviews because, like you, I didn't have to ever really think about what was in a book before I read it so I wasn't really aware of their necessity. But after recent events in my life, I'm not able to read about certain situations and it's really opened my eyes to this larger issue. Now, I couldn't imagine ever not including content warnings. I really want to undertake the project of retrofitting all my old reviews with content warnings. If only I would have done this sooner! Also, yes yes to the friends you make! The community is the bit about blogging that I missed the most during my year-long hiatus and I'm so excited to reconnect with people again. I hope you have a wonderful next 500 posts :)

    1. I was wondering if there was an easy way to put content warnings in all my old posts! It’s definitely worth looking into. Thank you so much Laura! I’m glad you’re back in the community :)

  6. #1 - I used to blog kind of half-heartingly because I thought I should take blogging seriously but now I just post whatever I want even if it means I sound a bit like some half-crazed half-child half-adult.

    #3 - I'm grateful that you have content warning for your reviews. I wish all book reviewers have content warning. There could have been tons of tons that I could have avoided reading if there were warnings. Some things I really rather not read.

    #4 - for me, as a graphic design, design is important but if your content is not so great, then even if you have a great looking blog, it wouldn't matter. I do like your simple design and everything seems to be organized well. Although whenever I see your blog logo, I keep wondering why you would choose to use gray as the background color, maybe a lighter shade of gray or the light pink in your header might be better as the bright pink color makes too much contrast for the eye to be comfortable looking at it, just my opinion.

    Congrats on your 500 posts. Have a lovely day.

    1. Yeah, content warnings are super important to me. I definitely agree that I could have avoided reading some stuff had I known about the content!

      I definitely appreciate people who take the time to craft out beautiful blog designs. The reason I have grey in my blog logo is simple, I love pink and grey! I’ve always been drawn towards combinations of grey and pink. Maybe one day I’ll revamp it, but for now, it works for me. It’s actually the one thing on this blog that I actually took the time to photoshop and craft it myself, so I’m pretty proud of it.

      Thanks for stopping by, Lissa!

  7. Congratulations! I'm so happy to see how much you've grown, even over the past year!
    I'm trying to get over the whole "writing stuffy reviews" thing myself ;) I think that is part of why I was getting burnt out over my reviews - it stopped being fun, and felt like SO MUCH EFFORT.
    I'm still learning about how to use content warnings effectively, but I'm trying!

    1. I can definitely relate to review burnout. I’m happy that I’ve found my rhythm because reviewing should be fun! Good for you for trying out content warnings! They make a huge difference :)

      Thank you Shayna!

  8. Sorry for the late comment, university work has me so busy right now! Congratulations on your 500th post, that is huge. I don't have a clue about how many I have posted. I really agree with you on point number one. I remember a couple years ago I was really struggling with wanting to make posts that "mattered" or "meant something meaningful." But why can't you just write posts that are fun and you enjoy? That is kind of where I am at now, but I grappled with it for a while. And yes, the friends and community that blogging connects you with is the best part of it all. Awesome post, Emily!

    1. No problem at all, Erin! Thank you very much for commenting :) Fun posts are definitely the best to write! Sometimes it's ok to not have to be super philosophical and deep. Good mental health requires a bit of comic relief!

  9. Congrats on reaching this milestone, Emily! I agree with / relate to everything you said, with the exception of the blog design. I realized in the past few years that I do care about how my blog looks and how my posts are formatted. But it's totally valid (obviously) to not care about that. I especially agree with the blog friends being really meaningful; they are just as valid to me as my "real life" friends. :)

    1. I totally get that blog design can be such a huge passion for people! You and Sabrina have a beautifully designed blog :) Thanks Veronika, I'm glad that we have been blog buddies for a long time.
