
Friday 28 August 2020

Month in Review: August

I guess a normal August month in review would feature me being sad that summer is over. But to be honest, it hasn't felt much like summer at all! My sister and I are not going back to physical school due to covid, so I didn't really get much of those "post summer blues" this year. Although, I guess I will miss the warm weather. Anyways, here's what I got up to in August:

What I Read: 

As like last month, I read way too many books to count. So for the sake of this post, I will only be featuring some of my favourites.

After the Flood by: Kassandra Montag: 5/5 stars
Trixie and Katya's Guide to Modern Womanhood by: Trixie Mattel and Katya: 5/5 stars
Mythos by: Stephen Fry: 4/5 stars
Slay by: Brittney Morris: 4/5 stars
Parable of the Sower by: Octavia E. Butler: 4/5 stars
Every Last Word by: Tamara Ireland Stone: 4.5/5 stars

Favourite book: This is a tough one. I'd like to say Guide to Modern Womanhood was the book I most enjoyed this month, but I knew I was going to love it as soon as I went in because Katya is one of my favourite people to ever exist. But Every Last Word was also incredible with its OCD representation. And After the Flood had some of the most beautiful writing I have ever read. So I guess, those three are my favourites???

What I Blogged: 

I was really happy with one of my blog posts I put up this month, Book Bloggers vs. Book Tokers. This is a discussion post I had been working on for a while with my cousin, and it was nice to get another perspective from someone in the book community. I rarely ever do posts on book community drama, but this was one I felt passionate about.

Favourite Blog Posts I Read this Month: 

Dani shares an Anishinaabekwe's take on Canadian author Joseph Boyden 

Tessi asks: "How Broad is Own Voices?" 

Sofia shares 170 Book Recommendations for Latinx Book Bingo/Latinx Heritage Month 

Cee reviews "Can Everyone Please Calm Down?" by: Mae Martin 

Life Stuff: 

So like I mentioned before, my August wasn't exactly the same as ones I have had in the past. I mostly just went to work and tried to stay as healthy as possible. There were a couple of days that my family was able to go up to my grandmother's cottage, and it was really nice to get a change of scenery. Other than that, I've also taken up a bit more baking. I can blame by recent watching of The Great British Bake Off for that!

Looking into September, I'll be starting online school. I'm not very bothered by that because I have taken a ton of online classes before and tend to prefer them anyways. It will be nice to have something new to occupy my time with.

I will also be participating in a few reading challenges! I have actually rejoined bookstagram, and because of this, I’ll try my best to succeed in the #FallIntoBooksSept20 30-day photo challenge. Bookstagram is something that I quit years ago because I spent way too long trying to make my photos look "professional." But now, I am so much more open to just doing what I want and not caring about comparing myself to others.

In terms of readathons, I’m joining the Latinx Book Bingo for the very first time. This is very exciting for me because I don’t usually participate in a lot of readathons, and I also want to get to the mountain of Latinx books that are on my tbr. I can’t wait to see how it goes!

How was your August? What are your plans for the end of summer?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Thanks for the link Em! You rock :)

    Glad you had a good reading month - also, the general positivity of this post was exactly what I needed today so thanks! :)

    Good luck with all the stuff you have planned for September - try not to put too much pressure on yourself, and try to enjoy as much as you can <3 :)

    1. Aw, I'm glad you enjoyed this post, Cee! Hope you have a great September as well. Hugs :)

  2. Ooh After the Flood- that was a good one! And I'm ready for fall too, I think...

    Good luck with class online! I think I'd be more comfortable doing online as well with everything going on.

    1. It was such an awesome book!

      And yeah, I would not feel comfortable in a crowded university right now haha! Thanks Greg!

  3. Good luck with your online classes! Not everyone feels comfortable with them, so it's a plus that you've actually enjoyed them in the past. At least you'll be out of harm's way for a few hours!

    I'm sure that your second Bookstagram experience will be much more enjoyable, if you stick to being creative without fussing too much about your pics getting the "right" appearance. Have fun!

    My August was...wait...what did I do in August? apart from suffering from the heat? LOL. I can't function at all when the weather is so relentless. I think I spent the month sitting down and waiting for it to pass...

    1. Thanks Roberta! So far I have been really enjoying bookstagram so that is a positive sign :)

      Yes, the heat was crazy here as well! But things seem to be cooling down so that is a plus. Hope you have a great September!

  4. Good luck with your online classes, Emily! I hope you'll enjoy them- it's promising that online classes had worked for you in the past. I've been tentatively thinking of rejoining bookstagram. I left it ages ago for many reasons, but I feel like, now, I'd at least be better at doing it without putting pressure on myself. Either way, best of luck with that and hope you'll have a good September! :)

    1. Thank you Veronika! I hope you have a great September as well.

      Obviously no pressure, but I would highly recommend returning to bookstagram, lol! I just feel like I came back from my bookstagram break actually happier and more excited to post. The community is so much more vibrant now than when I left. I think bookstagram is a pretty cool place!
