
Friday 13 March 2020

A Good Old Fashioned Tag (Liebster Award Pt. 2!)

Hi friends, if you're like me and have had your university shut down, you probably have a lot of extra time on your hands now. I really just want to write and do light-hearted stuff on the blog, and I noticed a while ago that Veronika @ Wordy and Whimsical tagged me for the Liebster Award! I've actually already done this tag, but I thought her questions were interesting, and thus I will answer them for all of you.

1. If you could be put into any bookish universe, which would you choose? 

I had to really think about this one. I think 14 year old me would have immediately screamed out: Hogwarts! Which is fine, but honestly now I see the issues with the Wizarding World. Let's be real, their government was not the best. Anyways, I think I would love to live in the world of Anne of Green Gables. Cute little PEI countryside? Sign me up!

2. Are there any genres you wouldn't read? 

I used to really stay away from fantasy, but honestly I have gotten really into it lately! (Thanks to the Grishaverse). I think the only genre I wouldn't read at this point is erotica. Just not my cup of tea.

3. What's your favourite winter read? 

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn. Need I say more? Idk, a foggy Washington town with vampires just screams cold weather to me.

4. Did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings? 

Yes, in fact I can confidently say that my all-time favourite book was a compulsory reading, and that was Station Eleven by: Emily St-John Mandel.

5. What's your most disliked popular book? 

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Sorry Veronika @ Wordy and Whimsical! Lol.

6. What is your least favourite thing about blogging? 

The design aspect. If I could just do all the writing and leave the entire layout, graphics, and design to someone else, I would be totally grateful. I'm not tech-savvy at all. Hence why my blog button is so cheesy haha.

7. What's your favourite book series of all time? 

Definitely The Hunger Games series. I never really appreciated it when I read it back in 2011, however re-reading it now, I can see how much it changed YA. Not only that, but the commentary on class, spectacle, and politics was so ahead of its time. It was also the first YA series I ever read, so there's some nostalgia there.

8. What book has made you truly angry? 

The Girls by: Emma Cline. Just... no.

9. What's a bookish trope you wish you never had to see anymore? 

The "not like other girls," girl. I think this girl always makes it seem like she's better than other girls because she doesn't care about fashion, or boys, or whatever. Let all girls be supported!

10. What's your most underrated favourite novel? 

Recently it's been Rebent Sinner by: Ivan Coyote! This was a fabulous book of short stories about gender identity and transphobia.

11. What character would you like to swap lives with? And for how long? 

Lara Jean Song- Covey from To All the Boy's I've Loved Before. She's so cute, she can bake, and she's got an incredible boyfriend. I think a week in her shoes would be awesome. But I'm also pretty content with my life so one week would be enough.

Thanks Sabrina for the questions! If you're interested in this award, feel free to answer my questions:

1. Who is your favourite sidekick from a book?

2. If you could build a perfect protagonist, what traits would they have?

3. What's one misconception about bookworms you wish would go away?

4. What's your favourite book genre?

5. What's your opinion on not finishing a novel?

6. If you could build the perfect villain, what traits would they have?

7. If you could pick three book characters and invite them over for dinner, who would they be?

8. If you could adopt the powers of a fictional character, which character would you pick?

9. What is your favourite book to read when you need a good mood boost?

10. What's your favourite book quote?

11. What would you tell your favourite author if you got the chance to meet them?

That's it for now. Thanks again to Veronika for tagging! Stay happy and healthy, everyone.

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. The Wizarding government sucked! ;) Plus, with my luck, I'd fall down one of the moving staircases on my first day @ Hogwarts! Lol. <3

    1. Haha, never thought about those pesky staircases!

  2. I agree about The Hunger games. I came to it kinda late (just a few years ago) but I'm sooo glad I finally read it. amazing. Also PEI sounds wonderful! I've never read Anne of green Gables but they sound like wonderful books...

    1. Anne is a great series! It’s just very light hearted and fun :)

  3. I love this post! I might have to do one of my own-- it's been a long while since I've done a book tag. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy The Girls. I haven't read it yet, but I was intent on reading it soon after hearing some positive feedback for it. And The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo! I read it for the first time earlier this year and it's one of my 2020 favorites so far.

    I also love Lara Jean! I'd like to think she and I lived pretty similar lives-- we're both Korean-American, love desserts and our little sisters, and I even go to the College of William and Mary now (although she ended up deciding to go somewhere else in the series after being accepted there).

    claire @ clairefy

    1. The Girls was very creepy to me, and the characters really irked me. But I know a lot of people loved it, so definitely still give it a go!

      Wow I didn’t realize you and Lara Jean had that many similarities! I hope you find your Peter Kavinsky as well :)

  4. Who wouldn't want to escape to the wizarding world? Also, erotica is 100% NOT my thing, either. It is just so cringey to me and often very misogynistic. Speaking of, I also hate that "not like other girls" crap. What is wrong with being like other girls??? And I may steal this tag for myself. I haven't done one in years!

    1. Cringey is definitely a word to describe it. I guess for some people it’s entertaining, but just not for me. I haven’t done a tag in a really long time as well so I was happy to get back into it!
