
Friday 27 March 2020

China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians #2) by: Kevin Kwan

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Published: June 16 2015 by: Knopf
Pages: 378
Rating: 4/5 stars

Rachel Chu is about to marry Nicholas Young, the man who sacrificed everything in order to be with her. However, Rachel longs for more details about her birth father, and a surprising piece of information is about to whisk her into the lavish world of China's elite. Rachel is able to travel to China and meet her father, and along the way she is befriended by Colette, a glamorous model, and Carlton, a spoiled heir who just happens to be her half-brother. But, life in crazy rich families is not easy, and Rachel, along with many other characters, will learn this the hard way.

I was really excited to get back into the world of Crazy Rich Asians. I absolutely loved the first book, and I knew that I needed to give this one a try. While I was still impressed with Kwan's witty footnotes, vivid attention to detail, and of course, the lovable (and sometimes unlovable) cast of characters, I can still say that I preferred the first book more.

This book has even a larger cast of characters than the first. While Crazy Rich Asians mainly focused on Rachel and Nick's story with other characters affecting that, this book has multiple storylines going on. Rachel and Nick are back, as well as Astrid, who has got her own problems going on completely separate. Then, there is also stuff going on with Kitty Pong, which is a whole other issue. I kinda went back and forth as to whether or not I liked the extensive character arcs. And I think I didn't mind it all that much. I think the supporting characters drive this series forward, and add to the tensions between families. However, there were some notable absences that I wish we saw more of.

For one, with all of these characters, I wish there was more of Eleanor Young! Eleanor is an absolute queen in my opinion. Yes, she is judgemental and did not treat Rachel right in the first book, but she is such a badass Asian mom with incredible grace. I can't help but want to be her. Can you imagine having that much power? Anyways, she appears at the beginning of the book, but doesn't really show up until the end. I needed more of her. She is one of my favourite characters.

I thought that Rachel and Nick's storyline was interesting. I especially enjoyed reading about how absolutely ridiculous Colette's life was. She was a character very easy to dislike, but still well written nonetheless. And can we talk about that twist at the end!? I won't spoil anything, but I did not except that much shit to go down and I frantically flew through the end to make sure that everything turned out alright. It's definitely a lot of action that you would not expect from a romantic comedy.

So overall, I enjoyed this book. I liked the twists, and I liked that we got into more character's storylines. However, I just wish we saw a bit more of Eleanor. She is such an important character to the first book, that I think she needs to have a big part in every book in this series. Still, I would totally recommend this book to fans of the first, as Kwan's signature humour is still there, and the drama just gets even more intense.

Have you read China Rich Girlfriend? What did you think?

Emily @ Paperback Princess

Friday 13 March 2020

A Good Old Fashioned Tag (Liebster Award Pt. 2!)

Hi friends, if you're like me and have had your university shut down, you probably have a lot of extra time on your hands now. I really just want to write and do light-hearted stuff on the blog, and I noticed a while ago that Veronika @ Wordy and Whimsical tagged me for the Liebster Award! I've actually already done this tag, but I thought her questions were interesting, and thus I will answer them for all of you.

1. If you could be put into any bookish universe, which would you choose? 

I had to really think about this one. I think 14 year old me would have immediately screamed out: Hogwarts! Which is fine, but honestly now I see the issues with the Wizarding World. Let's be real, their government was not the best. Anyways, I think I would love to live in the world of Anne of Green Gables. Cute little PEI countryside? Sign me up!

2. Are there any genres you wouldn't read? 

I used to really stay away from fantasy, but honestly I have gotten really into it lately! (Thanks to the Grishaverse). I think the only genre I wouldn't read at this point is erotica. Just not my cup of tea.

3. What's your favourite winter read? 

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn. Need I say more? Idk, a foggy Washington town with vampires just screams cold weather to me.

4. Did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings? 

Yes, in fact I can confidently say that my all-time favourite book was a compulsory reading, and that was Station Eleven by: Emily St-John Mandel.

5. What's your most disliked popular book? 

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Sorry Veronika @ Wordy and Whimsical! Lol.

6. What is your least favourite thing about blogging? 

The design aspect. If I could just do all the writing and leave the entire layout, graphics, and design to someone else, I would be totally grateful. I'm not tech-savvy at all. Hence why my blog button is so cheesy haha.

7. What's your favourite book series of all time? 

Definitely The Hunger Games series. I never really appreciated it when I read it back in 2011, however re-reading it now, I can see how much it changed YA. Not only that, but the commentary on class, spectacle, and politics was so ahead of its time. It was also the first YA series I ever read, so there's some nostalgia there.

8. What book has made you truly angry? 

The Girls by: Emma Cline. Just... no.

9. What's a bookish trope you wish you never had to see anymore? 

The "not like other girls," girl. I think this girl always makes it seem like she's better than other girls because she doesn't care about fashion, or boys, or whatever. Let all girls be supported!

10. What's your most underrated favourite novel? 

Recently it's been Rebent Sinner by: Ivan Coyote! This was a fabulous book of short stories about gender identity and transphobia.

11. What character would you like to swap lives with? And for how long? 

Lara Jean Song- Covey from To All the Boy's I've Loved Before. She's so cute, she can bake, and she's got an incredible boyfriend. I think a week in her shoes would be awesome. But I'm also pretty content with my life so one week would be enough.

Thanks Sabrina for the questions! If you're interested in this award, feel free to answer my questions:

1. Who is your favourite sidekick from a book?

2. If you could build a perfect protagonist, what traits would they have?

3. What's one misconception about bookworms you wish would go away?

4. What's your favourite book genre?

5. What's your opinion on not finishing a novel?

6. If you could build the perfect villain, what traits would they have?

7. If you could pick three book characters and invite them over for dinner, who would they be?

8. If you could adopt the powers of a fictional character, which character would you pick?

9. What is your favourite book to read when you need a good mood boost?

10. What's your favourite book quote?

11. What would you tell your favourite author if you got the chance to meet them?

That's it for now. Thanks again to Veronika for tagging! Stay happy and healthy, everyone.

Emily @ Paperback Princess

Friday 6 March 2020

Sinner (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #4) by: Maggie Stiefvater

Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Fantasy
Published: July 1, 2014 by: Scholastic Press
Pages: 357
Rating: 3/5 stars

Cole St. Clair has moved to sunny Los Angeles, a far cry from when he lived as a wolf back in Minnesota. Cole has one mission: to get Isabel Culpeper back. She moved to LA to get away from her damaged life, but moving on has proved to be difficult. As Cole and Isabel reconnect, Cole must find a way to earn back Isabel's trust and control his shifting, while Isabel must decide if she wants to let him into her life again.

If you knew me in 2012, then you knew how OBSESSED I was with the Wolves of Mercy Falls series. Shiver, Linger, and Forever were my shit. I still have the boxed set. When Sinner came out, I was excited, but I just never got around to reading it. This book has sat the longest on my tbr, at six years. Finally, on a random whim, I picked up the coveted book. It was... ok.

First off, I appreciated how this book gave me the nostalgia of the kind of stuff I read when I was a pre-teen. I think I'm just a sucker for werewolves (I was always Team Jacob), so any book that is remotely "wolfey" (is that even a word?), I will give a try. I love books that contain the aspect of being like a fantasy, but also being placed in the real world. I really appreciate fantastical elements in a sense of reality, which I think Maggie Stiefvater does very well.

I think I liked Cole as a character. By this I mean, that since I haven't picked up this series in nearly a decade, I couldn't remember if I liked him or not. I think all my attention was on Sam in the first three novels, that I didn't really pay much attention to Cole. That being said, I thought his character in this book was well written, and I found him to be very well-rounded.

I loved Isabel. Again, I can't remember my opinion on her from the original trilogy, but in this novel she was very likable. I found her to be hilarious and strong-willed. She had that sarcasm that Stiefvater writes so well. I thought that her character was very independent, and she didn't take crap from anyone. I appreciated that.

All of this being said, I can't say that this book gave me the highly anticipated conclusion I was looking for. I mean, it's more of a spin-off anyways, but I wasn't wowed like I was in the original trilogy. And this honestly just comes with getting older. My taste in books has definitely evolved, and this book just didn't impact me in the way it might have when I was twelve. What can I say, I'm pickier now.

I also would like to say that I think picking up a series years after you have read the previous books is very brave. I could not remember what the hell these characters were even like, and how the previous novels ended. I think because of this, it was hard for me to fully connect with the story and feel emotionally invested in it. I've just moved on, so to speak.

Overall, I think it is worth finishing this series if you're like me and have waited years. Although, you might want to take a refresher course on the material, because I was lost as heck at some points.

Have you read Sinner? What did you think?

Emily @ Paperback Princess