
Tuesday 31 December 2019

Month/Year in Review: December 2019

I decided to join together my month and year in review, one because I'm lazy, and two because I think more significant things happened in December alone rather than the entire year. So, here is what happened in December, as well as 2019 as a whole :)

What I Read:

Sissy: A Coming of Gender Story by: Jacob Tobia: 5/5 stars
Shadow and Bone by: Leigh Bardugo: 4/5 stars

Favourite book: Sissy is an amazing memoir by Jacob Tobia. It was hilarious, as well as made me really passionate about gender. (So much so, that I have been schooling a lot of people who enforce gender roles as of recent).

Favourite book of the year: This is difficult, because a lot of the books I read that I loved are quite different from each other. I think the title is gonna have to go to Crazy Rich Asians by: Kevin Kwan. This story basically dominated my entire summer, and I fell in love with the movie as well.

Goodreads Challenge: I barely scraped by with my challenge, reading 41/40 books for the year. I actually started with a goal of 50, but I did not read much in the middle of the year at all, so I slipped really far behind. I'm happy that I shortened my goal, because I finally was able to pull through at the end. Hopefully I can get up to my usual streak of 50 books a year in 2020.

What I Blogged:

I didn't really have a particular favourite blog post of the month, however I most definitely had a favourite of the year, and that was my rant about Don Cherry. You've probably heard me mention this post before, but it represented a drastic change in writing for me, because at that point I stopped being just a book blog, and realized that I wanted to branch out and talk about more issues that interest me. Expect more of these posts in 2020, especially one coming really soon in which my sister and I called out a food blogger for fat-shaming and promoting wastefulness. (Story to come!)

Favourite Blog Posts:

Cee looks back at Our Roaring 20s 
Veronika discusses Ten Things that Comfort Her
Karissa and Mary review The Rise of Skywalker

Life Stuff:

December was a really chaotic month for me. I had exams and final essays, finished off fall term with quite good marks, and of course, got ready for Christmas and my birthday.

I was really nervous for Christmas because of my social anxiety, but I am happy to report that I had no major incidents and actually was able to enjoy the season instead of worrying.

I also spent the first half of December preparing for my road test, which I am happy to report that, I PASSED. I finally have a full license, which is a huge relief for me because I no longer have to go through lessons or the stress of tests. My license has been the main source of stress in my life for about four years now, I am thrilled to finally be rid of it.

My Christmas was amazing, a lot of my family came down and I got some presents that will hopefully help to busy my mind during the more sad months of January and February. (I typically get very down in these months). I really wanted to take up knitting because I read that it helps to alleviate stress, so my mom got me knitting needles and yarn. I am so excited!

I also got Disney plus, which will be very comforting to me because pretty much all of my favourite shows and movies are on there. I also feel pretty badass because I have never had a streaming service before, so I feel like I can finally join in the fun lol.

I saw The Rise of Skywalker a couple of days ago, and boy do I have some thoughts. It was very bittersweet for me. I am sad to see the Skywalker saga go, and I didn't necessarily think that this movie did everything justice. However, there were also some moments I really loved. There will definitely be a movie review to come very soon, I just have to chat about a few things.

Overall, 2019, like most of my years, had an equal number of ups and downs. Anxiety tried to weasel its way in, but I took charge by starting therapy and trying new coping mechanisms. I think my main goal for 2020 is to try and keep my mind busy, especially when I am at my loneliest, because there is nothing more dangerous for me then when I am alone with my thoughts. So that is what I am trying to do to keep my mind healthy.

I am excited for 2020. I think that I can turn it into a great year if I try. I hope to get into some really good books, and leave the year feeling a lot happier and healthier.

Happy New Year to you all! I hope 2020 is your best year yet :)

How was your December/2019? Do you have any 2020 goals?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Happy New Year! I hope your 2020 is fabulous. I can definitely relate to anxiety over the holidays as well, and like you it went better than expected, so that was nice. :) Glad you had a nice Christmas!

    Can'y wait to see what you thought of Rise of Skywalker, since I definitely had some thoughts too. And I really need to get Disney Plus.

    1. I would say if it’s in your budget, Disney plus is so worth it! It really knocks Netflix out of the park for me in terms of content that I would actually watch over and over again. I used to use my cousin’s Netflix and I’m just happy I finally have something of my own now lol.

      Happy new year Greg!

  2. "Expect more of these posts in 2020, especially one coming really soon in which my sister and I called out a food blogger for fat-shaming and promoting wastefulness. (Story to come!)"
    Ugh. I mean, ugh at the food blogger. As for your think-pieces, I'm excited to read them! I love it when bloggers feel bold enough to venture out of their confort zone (though it's NOT a requirement of course, and if one needs their blog to be a cozy and comforting place, so be it! Everyone has a right to do what they feel it's best for them).

    So, you are a December baby like me? 😉 I was born on the 14th - what about you?

    Yay for your driving license! Can you believe I've never build up the nerve to learn to drive?

    You already know what my goals are, since you read my end-of-the-year monster post 😂. Let's hope 2020 is good to us, but even more...let's start by being good to ourselves. We deserve it. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Roberta! I have realized that I have a lot of opinions about things. It’s easier to write them down rather then keep them fuming in my head.

      My birthday is December 19, so not too far off from yours at all!

      I don’t blame you for not wanting to drive. It can be very stressful, I do it because I have to, not because I want to lol.

      Happy new year!

  3. Congrats on your new license and happy new year! Man, December finals are a struggle. But we survived and I am SO glad to be done lol. I feel like it went by so quickly, though. I also just saw The Rise of Skywalker a few days ago and I was pleasantly surprised. I think that JJ Abrams did a great job considering the catastrophe that was the last movie and I left feeling satisfied. Also, what do you plan on knitting first?

    1. Thanks Erin! I am just practicing knitting now, so my little patch looks pretty bad, I just want to get a good handle on things lol. But my mom bought me blanket yarn, so when I get good I would like to knit a blanket.

      I actually found more things wrong with TROS than TLJ. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I found more plot holes in this movie.

  4. Congrats on the license! Being able to drive yourself is so liberating. I had to change my reading goals for the year as well, so I feel you on that. Sometimes things just don't work as you plan. Haha I definitely have some thoughts on Rise of Skywalker as well. I wasn't as big of a fan as everyone, but it still had its good moments. Hopefully 2020 is less stressful and anxiety-inducing for everyone!

    1. It is very liberating! I no longer have to wait for my parents to take me to do something, I can just go do it lol. Happy new year Sierra!

  5. Yay I am SO glad you had a wonderful Christmas and everything went smoothly <3

    I hope you manage to keep busy this year and that anxiety doesn't creep in. I totally relate - I'm aiming for busyness this year, that is, I'm hoping for it, because being alone with my thoughts is just stifling and heartbreaking sometimes.

    I hope your 2020 is wonderful and fulfilling :)

  6. Congratulations on passing your road test! The first half of December was also chaotic for me: I started my first semester of college, and finals season was more intense than I had ever imagined it would be. We made it, though, and I'm glad to hear that your Christmas season was enjoyable :)

    I also saw the Rise of Skywalker with my younger sister recently, and we both left the theater feeling iffy about it. I haven't seen all of the Star Wars movies, which I hope to watch soon for greater context, but the ending especially threw us off.

    I hope you had a wonderful new year! :)

    claire @ clairefy

    1. I hope you get into the swing of college soon! I am in my third year now and honestly finals are way less intimidating then they used to be.
      I am a fairly new Star Wars fan, and still had a few issues with it. It seemed too... cookie cutter for me.

  7. Thanks so much for the link Em! You're so awesome! (I'm still pleasantly surprised when you link me! Thank you so much!)

    I'm glad you had a good Christmas and CONGRATS on the driving-ness! XD

    All the love & good vibes for 2020! <3

    1. No problem Cee! It shouldn’t be a surprise considering you put out some really thought-provoking and unique posts! Happy new year :D
