
Friday 29 November 2019

Month in Review: November

The Christmas season is officially upon us and I am almost done with this semester! Time flies when you're trying not to fail your classes :D Here's what happened in November:

What I Read: 

Anne of Green Gables by: Lucy Maud Montgomery: 4/5 stars
The Island of Dr. Moreau by: H.G.Wells: 1/5 stars

It was a bummer of a reading month, and both of these books were for school. I obviously enjoyed Anne of Green Gables a lot more, which is surprising because I didn't think I would like it at all! As for Dr. Moreau, well I am currently stressed out of my mind trying to write an essay on it. It's funny how difficult essays become when you really hated the book.

What I Blogged:

By far, my favourite blog post that I published this month was my rant on Canada's Idolisation of an Old White Man and his Racism. It was a discussion on the Don Cherry scandal, and it generated a lot of traffic blog-wise for me. I'm so happy it was well received!

Favourite Blog Posts of the Month: 

Veronika asks if YA Prices has Gotten out of Hand? 

Cee discusses Marginalisation in Dystopia 

Shayna reveals the Odd Things She's Found in Library Books 

Life Stuff: 

I am preparing for final papers and exams right now, and just wishing for Christmas to be upon me already. However, a part of me is also quite stressed for December. As a socially anxious person, the prospect of the amount of parties that Christmas entails is very daunting. I am already stressed about my work Christmas party on Monday, because I have had full on panic attacks at these kinds of gatherings before.

I also have my final road test on December 18, (one day before my birthday!) which has been the main source of stress at the back of my mind for probably the past three years. Once I pass this test I will finally be done with all of this bullshit, but I do not test well AT ALL and even though I am a good and careful driver, as soon as the instructor is in the car I will freeze up. I always joke that road tests take like five years off my life in terms of the stress they give me. So let's hope that come the end of December when I'm writing my month in review, I will only have good news to share!

That being said, I really do enjoy (the quiet) parts of Christmas and getting to go home. I am also getting a new tattoo this month which I am excited about.

I love how this portion turned from talking about stuff that happened in November, to worrying about the future. But, that's just how my brain works!

How was your November? What are you looking forward to in December?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Hope you have a great December! And good luck with your road test- I'm sure you'll do fine! And boo to stress. Why does it have to exist??

    Bummer about Dr. Moreau. I loved the concept but tried to read it once and was bored out of my mind- never finishd.

    1. It was super boring! A very bizarre concept too.

      Thanks Greg!

  2. First of all, thank you for the shout out, I'm really happy you enjoyed my post. :D Secondly, noo, it makes me sad that you didn't like The Island of Dr. Moreau - it's on my tbr, and I may try to read it before the end of the year. :|

    Good luck with your road test, and I hope the work Christmas party - and any other you may attend - will go well. I'm glad you have some things to look forward to in December, that balances out some of the negatives at least.

    1. It was just really weird, boring, and very sad. I get very triggered by mistreated animals, and this novel has a lot of that, so it brought my mood down a lot.

      Thanks Veronika! Hope you have a good December too :)

  3. Bring on the Christmas! And I feel ya with the social stuff - just remember (and I know it's hard,): it doesn't actually matter. Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. (Lord knows, I never follow my own advice - but it's good advice all the same!)

    Thanks so much for the link Em! :)

    1. You should follow your own advice, because it’s awesome advice haha! Thanks Cee.

  4. I just squeaked in there with my last post - thank you! ;)
    I know the feeling - I'm finishing up my semester and have no idea where the time has gone! I'm glad you enjoyed Anne of Green Gables. I love the storyline, and always loved watching the 1980s movies/mini-series, but had a hard time getting into the books. I do hope to try again though! And I was interested in the plot for Moreau, but I'm not the biggest fan of Wells' writing style. I'm going to try War of the Worlds and see how that goes first.
    Life stuff: you nailed the Christmas party, so yay! Best of luck on your road test! I often don't test well either unfortunately.
    Tattoos! Now, this is something I want to hear all about! Want to post all about tattoos? Great! Want to tell me on Twitter? Sure! Haha, I want some, but am scared to commit and hate needles...going for acupuncture next week for the first time, so wish me luck.
    Also, I have to say you have absolutely rocked it with awesome blog posts lately.

    1. I read Anne a long time ago and hated it, but this time around I found it really cute and easy to get through! I think all the scenery and serenity of pei is just very calming for my anxiety lol.

      Yeah, Wells is not my thing. I found him to be boring. Probably never gonna read another one of his books.

      I did nail the Christmas party, which I am so happy about! Now I really am in driving test mode, and it is stressing me out a whole lot. I just want it done and over with.

      Thanks for the compliment Shayna! I could totally do a post on tattoos :) I wouldn’t call myself an expert because I only have two so far, but I do enjoy talking about them!

      Have a great December :)

    2. Also, good luck with the acupuncture! I hear it’s great for muscle pain and you don’t really feel the needles.

    3. Glad to hear that about Anne - I should try again! And thanks, I'm sure I'll post about the acupuncture and other treatments I am trying for pain management.
