
Saturday 29 June 2019

Month in Review: June

Why does it seem like the moment I am done school, I actually find I have less time to read? I think it's because breaks in between classes and obviously required reading makes me read more. But now that I'm working eight hour shifts at a time, I have less time to crack open a book. Anyways, here's an update on a not so productive reading month:

What I Read: 

The Sands of Ammon (Alexandros #2) by: Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Iain Holliday (Translator): 2/5 stars

And that's it. This is the only book I read in June. I'll post a full review of this book, but basically I wouldn't call it my favourite book of the month (even if it was my only book), because it was just: meh.

What I Blogged: 

Blogging wasn't very productive either. However, I did finally post my review of My Lady Jane, which was so awesome to write because the book was, well, AWESOME. You should check it out.

Favourite Blog Posts: 

Cee talks Anxiety and Worrying about Sh*t She Doesn't Care About 

Erin discusses The Redundancy in A Court of Frost and Starlight 

Veronika talks about All the Stuff that Annoys Her in Book Reviews 

Life Stuff: 

All work and no play makes Emily a sad girl. I feel like I missed out on a lot of fun things this month because it's all just work, work, and more work. I know the money pays off but, when I see my friends all doing fun stuff without me, it does dampen my mood.

However, my manager has been so gracious to give me July 1st off, which for those of you who don't know, is Canada Day, and I am so excited about it!! I've gotten used to having to work through summer holidays, so the day off to just be patriotic af will be great. I'm looking forward to it.

So that was my June. Kinda boring if you ask me. But, I do have some fun things to look forward to in July.

How was your June?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Hope you have a great July!!

  2. Aww, thank you so much for linking my post! That always makes my day. I know what you mean about almost having less time to read during the summer and it is SO annoying. I like working because, well, money...but I miss summers when I was younger and didn't have to spend my time on it. I mean, no one really WANTS to work in the summer. I hope you had a fun day off. My June just flew by! But I did read a lot.

    1. No problem, Erin! Summers were so much more fun when we were kids, right? I wish we could go back to those days!

  3. Thank you for mentioning my post, so glad you enjoyed it! I'm sad the book you read this month didn't work for you :( Especially as I can see it was a sequel, that's even worse. Your work schedule sounds overwhelming, especially seeing your friends having fun without you, but I'm glad you got the holiday off at least. :)

    1. It is quite overwhelming! But luckily I am currently reading a book that I am really enjoying :) Have a great July, Veronika!

  4. Thanks so much for the link Em!

    And thanks for finding time to comment on all my blogposts despite your busy-ness! I had a super-busy June too, which is why my commenting-back is late! XD

    1. Haha, no problem Cee! I always have time to read your posts :D
