
Friday 30 November 2018

Month in Review: November

November absolutely flew by and now I am officially in Christmas mode. I am happy the semester is almost over, but it will still be not exactly a holiday for me as I still have to work. *sigh.* Anyways, here's what happened in November!

What I Read: 

Shatter Me by: Tahereh Mafi: 4/5 stars
Lies You Never Told Me by: Jennifer Donaldson: 3/5 stars

Look who got up to a lot of reading in November!!! *sobs.* Hopefully with Christmas rolling around, I will get to buy a lot more books and reading will be more a priority.

Favourite Book: I re-read Shatter Me because I first read it about two years ago and wanted to give it a second shot. It was really good, although I don't think it will be a series that I will obsess over.

What I Blogged: 

My favourite blog post of the month was my Rant About my Creative Writing Course. It felt GREAT to get some things off my chest.

Favourite Blog Posts of the Month:

Cee asks that we Remember Them, Too 

Veronika and Clare try to Beat the Backlist 

Life Stuff: 

Nothing major, just work and school. I have a lot of end of term essays to do, and it is evident that I am not doing as well as I did in first year. But alas, we will persevere and hopefully get through the term with semi-ok marks!

That was my November! How was yours?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Ughhh I had the same kind of reading month. I think I read a total of three books and wrote zero (yeah ZERO) blog posts (I'm basically running around like a headless chicken right now). Now that you mention it, I also really want to do a reread of the Shatter Me series! With the new installments coming out, I want to refresh on some of the built up relationships and histories before continuing. I hope you have a much better reading month in December, Emily!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. I have completely lost track on how many Shatter Me books there currently are but I’m glad you enjoy the books nonetheless! Hope you can write some more!

  2. I really liked Shatter Me when I read it a few years ago and never continued on in the series. I guess I should do that. Hope you have a good December.

    1. I never continued with the series either! It’s just kinda: meh for me. Hope you have a good December as well :)

  3. Thanks for the shout-out Em!!! And yes, Christmas-time!!!!! XD

  4. Hope December is a great month for you, despite all the work! Ugh it sucks you have to work, but sigh. Life is a pain sometimes. Haha. Hope all goes pretty smoothly, though!

    I agree about Shatter Me. I mean, I like the series, but I'll never be someone who flails over it :)

    1. Thanks Amy! Hope your December is great too :)

  5. I still haven't read the Shatter Me series!! *sobs*

    1. You’re not missing much in my opinion, idk I’m on the fence about it.
