
Wednesday 6 June 2018

Blog Commenting Formats- What's Your Preferred Platform?

Blogger has gone and messed me up again. I used to always get emails whenever someone would comment on a post, but now, I'm assuming with new privacy policies changing, I don't! I have tried a number of things and I just can't seem to get my emails back, making it so I have to check every single post for new comments.

This isn't a cumbersome thing for my most recent posts, however if someone were to comment on an older post, I have no way of knowing and therefore feel like an ass for not replying :((( I love replying to comments and getting emails was a sure way to remember to do them. Now, I'm not sure what to do.

I know there are a few blog commenting formats out there, Disqus is notably the one I see the most besides regular blogger, and I'm just not sure whether to make the switch. I am not the most techy person and while I assume I'd be able to set it up on my blog, I am unsure whether it will decrease my commentors or not. Not everybody has a Disqus account and I know not many people like to have a million accounts for different things, and I just don't want people to feel obligated to sign up for yet another thing. I enjoyed the convenience that everybody with a google account could comment on my blog, but it's not exactly convenient for me anymore.

So, I am appealing to the book community. Do you have Disqus? Blogger? Any suggestions on how to get my emails back??? Please let me know what commenting format you have and if it works for you. I am open to any suggestions as long as they're easy to install and give me notifications when somebody comments. And, if you are a regular reader of my blog, how would you feel if I switched to another platform? I am at a loss here.

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I use blogger, but I'm rather new to book blogging. I only started a few months ago.

    1. Do you still get emails for it?? Let me know how you find it!

    2. I don't get emails anymore, it stopped sending them. I've become used to checking the Comments tab to see if new ones have popped up.
      But it gets tiring having to do it multiple times a day because my friends comment at different times through out.

  2. I use Disqus and I've never looked back. It was a mission to install but I don't regret it. Also I think you don't have to sign up to Disqus in order to comment I think there might be another option, but I'm not quite sure.

    1. Ok! Yeah the installation will definitely be a process for me but I think if I take it slow I could figure it out.

  3. I totally agree with everything you said here, I now check my blog to see if I have comments. It is a hassle, I might look into Disqus, not sure yet!!

  4. I'm afraid I know next to nothing about commenting platforms but I always check the comments tab on Blogger which shows all recent comments- even ones on old posts?

    1. I rarely ever check the comments tab because I’ve always gotten emails so thanks for pointing that out to me, Ruzaika! Looks like a better option.

  5. Hey Em, I've had this problem too - but as Ruzaika said, if you go into blogger and hit the 'comments' tab on the left-hand side, you can see your comments from most recent to least recent, up to 1000 comments in.

    I've been looking into other systems too - but atm there seems to be nothing that allows you to import previous comments from Blogger.

    1. The alternative is to go into your most recent post and hit the 'Notify me' box by hand - and then you'll get e-mails like normal, but this might miss out comments on older posts (unless you're willing to go into all of them and check the box.)

    2. Thanks for the tips, Cee! The comments tab and the notify box seems like my best bet atm. See, I feel like switching to a new platform would erase all of the content from years before. It seems like I’ll just have to deal with it.

    3. Yeah, I really can't bear to lose all of my previous comments!

  6. I've been meaning to switch over to Disqus for the longest time! I know you can have a Disqus account to comment or you can also use your Google, Facebook, or Twitter to sign in and comment as well so it's a little more versatile than Blogger's default. I'm hoping to switch soon because I stopped getting emails too! I also heard something, though, about Blogger not allowing third-party commenting systems anymore (I'm not sure what the implications are for that so don't quote me on that!) so that's going to take some research. Right now, I have my comments set to the option where they have to be approved before they show up (moderation) and that way, I can check the 'comments to be moderated' section in Blogger every day (when I check my email, usually) and publish all the comments that have accumulated. That way, at least, you can see where the new comments are so you know which posts to go to. Just a suggestion that's worked for me to keep track of incoming comments!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Laura! I think the installation of Disqus worries me a bit too so for now I will be looking at alternative options for viewing my comments. Your suggestion really helps, thanks!

  7. I use Disqus and it's been quite great. I just read Laura's comment. Blogger DOES allow third party commenting system now but you need to add to your privacy policy that you're using Disqus and link to their privacy policy too. IF you don't use any third party apps, blogger will provide you with a privacy policy (Adding these is a must now after GDPR) But adding Disqus isn't too difficult. You just need to add the widget to your site. It'll give you instructions as you go :) If you need any help regarding the privacy policy part, me, Amy and Di just sorted it out a couple days ago so I'd be happy to help! :)


    1. Thanks for all your help, Uma! I will definitely be looking into disqus as an option. If I have any questions I will be sure to ask!

  8. I agree with what Uma's said above. Disqus works brilliantly for me, although the reason I held back from using it for so long was because I was so daunted by the installation process. But Uma and Di helped me through it, and I managed to keep all my blogger comments as well. If you ever need help installing it, just ask :) And like Uma said, we're also here if you need help with a privacy policy!

    Great discussion post :)

    1. Thanks Amy! Yeah, I’m holding back for now because of the installation process. Right now I’m checking my comments tab daily for comments, and it’s not too much of a bother. But if I make the switch, I will definitely ask for help!

  9. i use blogger and the disappearing emails happened to me too. I have no idea why i am no longer getting emails. I thought it was something i did. I guess its a blogger issue.

    1. Yeah, very unfortunate that this is happening to everyone.
