
Friday 28 July 2017

Paperback's Pondering's: When a Book Becomes a TV Show, All Hell Breaks Loose

Fasten your seatbelts folks because it's ranting time! Well, not totally, but I'm going to be talking about an issue that I have taken two sides on. It's one thing when a book becomes a movie, but when it becomes a tv show, well that's just a whole other story.

I'm sure you and everyone you know have heard of Thirteen Reasons Why. Most bookworms know that it was a book first, but other die-hard fans of the show seem to forget that. When the show came out, I watched it, and I was really disappointed on how it all pulled together. To me, it seemed to completely throw away the message of the book, a message I thought was quite clear when I read it, and everything turned into a huge debate. Now I'm not here to talk about the content, there's plenty of articles you can read about why this show is harmful, but I'm here to simply ask the question why the producers are turning the show into a money grab?

The show sucked regardless, but now we're getting a new season. It ended where the book ended, so why are the writers of the show now further corrupting something that wasn't their original story? The whole point of books is that the ending is supposed to draw everything to a close, but now with the show, we're open to more debate, more dumb secondary storylines, and more room for them to screw up what used to be a good story. At least in movies, they typically end when the book ended, but who knows how long this show will be going on from now on?

On the other hand though, there was one show that ended where the book ended, but I cannot wait to see what happens next in season two. The Handmaid's Tale rose even above the book to create such a powerful storyline, and I enjoyed every minute of the show. When it ended, I was dying for more episodes. So I'm stuck in two minds over being completely against tv adaptions adding more seasons, and waiting patiently for another one?

In most cases, I don't like it when tv adaptions corrupt the story of the book. It almost always turns out bad, but The Handmaid's Tale was an exception. We all know we get very overprotective of our stories, so when they become hyped by another medium, all hell breaks loose.

What do you think about tv adaptions adding more seasons to a finished book storyline?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Brilliant post, Emily. I totally agree with you, especially about Thirteen Reasons Why. My opinions on the content aside, I do think a second season is just ridiculous. It's so obvious they're trying to milk it while they can.

    One TV series I think actually changed the book for the better, was The 100. The book was rubbish (I've only read the first one), but the TV show is very good, despite the fact they change a lot. That's one of the rare occasions it actually worked.

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. I have heard great things from The 100! I'm always telling myself to give it a go, but never seem to find the time. One day!

  2. I honestly don't mind either way - I love the different points of view different adaptations and explorations can bring!

    But I have issues with 13 Reasons Why - especially with the lack of warnings that I've seen in a lot of the discussion of it. It's like, can we not acknowledge that is potentially dangerous?! A warning is not censorship dammit!!!! (*ahem* I'm fine. Lol.)

    1. Yeah, I totally get it. While I have issues with 13 Reasons Why for a number of reasons, the fact that they seem to be exploiting a sensitive storyline for cash is definitely up there.

  3. I don't reeeeally mind either way as long as both don't end up spoiling the prospects for each other. While I do acknowledge how 13RW was pretty problematic as a TV show for various reasons, I did think that as a whole, they did an okay job with the show itself. However a second season is a HUGE no, and I hope to hell it doesn't make even more a mess of things than they are now. Great post, Em!

    1. Thanks, Ruzaika! I'm so annoyed that there is a second season because it just seems soooo forced. How on earth will they make that work?

  4. I haven't watched 13RW yet. I'm very on the fence with the book and from what I've heard the show isn't great and not something I want to support. I also really don't understand why it's going onto another season, surely it's covered everything it needed to and where else can this story go. Although, I think with certain things you can get away with it, fantasy shows, for example, I think have a lot more content they can cover and can therefore get away with going past the books. But, I think when it comes to 13RW, they're making what was a harsh but important message into some huge drama filled saga and it makes me think that it's no longer conveying the message it's supposed to convey.

    1. I definitely agree, Brooklyn! I feel like they had such potential to bring and important issue to light, and instead all they're doing is creating more drama. I guess for them, any publicity is good publicity.
