
Wednesday 4 January 2017

Paperback's Pondering's: My New Year Resolution

Today is gonna be a non-book related post. I don't do these posts often at all because I like to think of my blog  as strictly book based, but since I have this platform I think it's good just to talk sometimes. So today I'll be pondering on my new year's resolution and what I hope it does for me.

I've always loved animals and the environment. I believe that our world is seriously suffering environmentally and if we don't do something now then we will be seriously doomed. I'm sorry, it's just what I believe. I watch a lot of vegan/vegetarian youtubers and they always talk about how good it is to go veggie. I've always said that one day I'd do that and then proceed to take a bite out of my hamburger. But this year, I decided that I really, really wanted to do this. I wanted to do my part to help out our ecosystems, and the earth. So I decided that going vegetarian was the way I would so that.

When I said I was going veggie I concerned a lot of people. I've always been underweight and unable to keep on healthy weight, so my doctor always told me to "eat from the cow" and keep my iron up. I can't wait to see her reaction when I see her. My mom also had her concerns, and insisted that I still eat dairy, eggs and fish, which I agreed to for my own health. So you could say, I'm technically a pescetarian.

What I don't like are the few vegans and vegetarians on social media that make it seem like you're a villain if you eat meat. People like Freelee the Banana Girl who constantly troll other people and scare people into not eating meat. I know many, many people who can have a healthy diet eating meat, and I'm not denying at all that meat can be good for you. For me, this is more of an animal ethics/environmental journey.

What I do hope though, is that my skin clears up. I do know for a fact that meat and dairy contribute to my skin problems, and I'm hoping that I can see some improvements. My skin is a constant struggle, so hopefully I can put those insecurities behind me.

I'm really looking forward to doing this. I hope that I can keep up with it. I'm really serious about it and I want to make a change. I want to do something good for the earth and I want to eat more ethically. I just hope that my health allows me to.

If you're a veggie, please send me tips! I'd love to know how you eat :)

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Good luck with it Emily! I still eat fish as well - but I'm lactose intolerant and allergic to eggs, so I avoid those (and if I ate more veggies I could totally be vegan) - because it's one reliable source of protein for me. I'd recommend looking into a herbal iron supplement, as if you don't eat a lot of iron rich foods constantly it's very easy to develop a deficiency. And also be sure to listen to your body! If you're craving meat there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating a burger one day and then being veggie the rest of the week - even just cutting down on the animal products you eat can help, and there's no point letting yourself get ill for the sake of one burger. It doesn't make you a bad person. Also, I'd eat up any non-veggie things you have before making the switch, as wasting it is worse than eating it, in my opinion. Means the animal died for nothing - not even food.

    But yeah, best of luck and if you need any tips feel free to ask, even though I'm probably the worst vegetarian out there haha :P

    1. Thanks Charlotte! Yeah I'm definitely going to have to pay attention to my iron levels to make sure I'm staying healthy. And I made sure to eat all the meat products. You're right, it's very wasteful. Thanks for your help :)

  2. Good luck with it! I eat very little meat and have always wondered whether I should just cut it out completely (I have very low iron, though). My twins are basically pescetarians, but underweight, and so I try to give them chicken from time-to-time. They complain.

    Anyway, I enjoy it when book bloggers deviate from bookish content to give readers some insight into the personality behind the blog. Great post!

    [AMB, The Misfortune of Knowing- For some reason, I can't seem to comment as myself!]

    1. Thank you for the comment :) I guess I'm basically like you're twins because I intend to stay pescetatarian. But I'm sure if my mom was able to feed me some meat from time to time she'd feel a lot better!

  3. Wow this is so awesome! Go you! Hope all goes well, that's a great resolution :)

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  4. Good luck, Emily!
    I am not a vegetarian and I don't know if I could ever become one. I'm very picky when it comes to eating, especially vegetables and things like that. Basically, I still eat like a 5-year-old, hahah.
    However, I think it's amazing that you're thinking about the environment and not pushing anyone to follow your decision. In my family, we tried to stop eating meat twice a week. We can't keep it up every week, but I believe every step counts!
    Once again, good luck! I hope you can keep it up for the next year. Just don't worry too much and don't forget to pay atention at your health! :)

    1. Thanks Lais! It's harder then I thought it would be, especially when i'm with my family because they are all meat lovers and I feel like I'm inconveniencing them. But you're right, every little thing counts :)

  5. Good luck! I'm a veggie - and have been my entire life (hippie parents.) Prepare for stupid questions from meat-eating people, ranging from 'but doesn't that mean you just really hate vegetables?' to 'isn't a chicken a vegetable?' (Honest to God, I've been asked both. More than once.)

    I advise trying Quorn or Linda McCartney foods - espec. since you're going to need to keep your protein up. Beans and lentils are a saviour for both iron and protein - try bean burgers, or kidney beans, if you're not a big bean fan (like me. I don't really like many beans.)

    Don't let anyone tell you your choice is wrong in any way - they can take a running leap. :)

    Good luck. I'm sure it'll go fine :)

    1. Thanks Cee! I can't believe you've actually been asked those questions!! I've been pretty lucky so far that nobody's been that ignorant. A few people have recommended quorn to me but I don't think we get that in Canada so I'll have to search for something similar. Thank you for the help :)

  6. Good for you! I've been cutting down significantly on meat because of environmental reasons myself. I don't think I can ever fully become a vegetarian, but it's really not that hard to cut out meat from your diet. I have a vegan suitemate who I can ask for vegetarian tips and recipes when I get back to school for you. I'm gonna tell you right now that beans and spinach are gonna be your best friends, especially if you have issues with your iron.

    1. Thanks Sierra! I already love spinach so I don't think that will be that hard lol! I think it is definitely easy to cut out some meat.

  7. This is such a great resilution, Em! I'm not a vegetarian and I definitely dont see myself being one any time soon, but I've always admired people who are able to manage this! I hope you take care of yourself, though- make sure you have an adequate intake of all nutrients! Good luck :))

    1. Thanks Ruzaika!! I hope I will be able to stay healthy :)

  8. I wish you luck! I've toyed with the idea of being veggie for a while but I gave up on it a few years ago because of concerns about my health if I were to cut it out. So, please don't forget your own health! I hope you manage it, I admire you for actually doing it :)

    1. Thanks Brooklyn! My mom was not keen on the idea, but hopefully I can prove to her that I will stay healthy.
