
Friday 27 January 2017

A Monster Calls by: Patrick Ness

Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Magical Realism
Published: August 27, 2013 by: Candlewick Press
Pages: 224
Rating: 5/5 stars

Conor's mother is going through vigorous cancer treatments, leaving him isolated and alone, with no one but his annoying grandmother to talk to. But then a monster enters Conor's room at night. A terrifying, wild monster. The monster enters Conor's room every night at the exact same time, and it keeps asking for the same thing. Will Conor ever realize what the monster wants, or will the monster keep on coming, until it is too late?

This book was INSANE! I read it in exactly one sitting, I laughed, I cried, and I was completely blown away once again by the legend that is Patrick Ness. Although I shouldn't give him all the credit, as the idea from the novel actually came from author Siobhan Dowd, who died from cancer before she could write the book. So Ness took over, and this book, should be treasured forever.

You really have to think to get this book. Not really hard, philosophical thinking, but this book requires you to go into your emotions to really get the overall metaphor. And once you get it, it will blow your mind. I loved how this book used magic realism to get an incredibly poignant message across.

This book takes on cancer in a new light. It is unlike anything that you have ever experienced when reading books on the disease, and it will completely mess up your perception but in a really good way. This book is very emotional to say the least, but it is also so brave and so adorable that you can't help but fall in love with every single character.

Be prepared to go on one big thrill ride. You will experience a petri dish of emotions, and it may not be easy. But I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone, young and old, and especially, those with relatives who have cancer. Prepare to be amazed.

Have you read A Monster Calls? What did you think?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I kind of want to read this, but I'm also a bit hesitant because of the subject matter. My depression came on when my mother was going through chemo, so I often find it difficult to read things about cancer. I do want to get around to it... but it might take me a while!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it Em :)

    1. Thanks Cee :) Read it whenever you're comfortable, although personally for me, I found it very comforting for those who have loved ones with cancer :)

  2. I absolutely adored A Monster Calls! I was blown away the story and the characters and was struggling to contain my emotions, because, well, I may have read it on my classes. In my defense, it really is impossible to put it down - I started it just to get a snippet of what to expect, and ended up finishing it in two classes time. lol
    I'm really happy you enjoyed this one!
    Wonderful review. :)

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. Thanks Veronika! I could not put it down as well! I read it in one sitting and have no regrets lol.

  3. Oh my god, I've heard a million amazing things about this book, and yet, here I still am...not having read this book. I actually haven't really heard what the book was about, but after your review, I have an idea and I am so, so excited to read it, and hopefully soon!!
    Thank you so much for bringing this onto my radar again haha, maybe I'll finally read it :)
    All the love..
    -Sam. x

    1. Yes!! You totally should read it! I had so many people recommend it to me that as soon as I saw it at the library I knew I had to see for myself. I'm glad I did :)

  4. I can't wait to read this. I've seen so many magnificent things and I still haven't gotten around to it. Glad you enjoyed it. Lovely review!

  5. I completely agree 100% Emily. This is such a powerful and emotional novel and I'm so glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous review! <3

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

    1. Thank you Zoe! I don't think I've come across anyone yet who hasn't loved this :)
