
Thursday 1 December 2016

Month in Review: November

Happy December everybody! I'm sooo excited for my birthday, Christmas, and for 2016 to be OVER! December is my favourite month for a reason :) Here's what I got up to in November:

What I Read: 

This month was crap for reading. I'm in a reading slump right now and have been on the same book for about two weeks. Hopefully I'll get over it soon!

All The Light We Cannot See by: Anthony Doerr: 4/5 stars
Tell Me Three Things by: Julie Buxbaum: 3/5 stars
Red Queen by: Victoria Aveyard: 5/5 stars

What I Blogged: 

I really loved the blog hop I participated in this month: The Thanks U Give! My post, Top Ten Reasons Why I Love the Book Community, made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)

Favourite Blog Posts of the Month: 

Lais gives her Thanks for the Book Community

Cait explains how Her Reading Habits Changed in 2016 

Veronika shares the books she's Excited to Read, but Never Actually Feel like Picking Up 

Cee shares The Diary of a Sexually Fluid Girl 

Bridget shares Your Ultimate Gilmore Girls Playlist

Blogger of the Month: 

This month's featured blogger is Lais @ Harumansae Books! She is one of the loveliest, and sweetest bloggers you will meet, and I'm so excited because I realized that I can actually comment on your posts! Go give her some love :D

Life Stuff of the Month: 

This month has been crazy with school! Between midterms, university applications (I still haven't applied) and projects, I think this is the main reason why I'm in a reading slump.

I also have been trying hard to get a job. I need the money, but so far the search has been going negatively. I got an offer, but the manager was extremely rude and intimidating so I turned it down. Not sure if I made the right decision or not :( I'm so looking forward to this break!

How was your November?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I actually had a pretty decent month reading wise - managed to read 11 books.
    But hey, three books is still really good. most people don't read that many books during month.

    1. Yeah, but for me it's a major concern because I usually am a very fast reader and read a lot during a month. Good for you for reading 11!

  2. Ah, November was a pretty shitty month for me, reading wise, too- and well, just overall really. Quite possible my worst month this year- fingers crossed for December :D You seem to have enjoyed Red Queen- I'm intrigued!!! Despite Vera's constant badgering, I haven't been able to get invested in it and it's quite bumming me out :((
    I loved your post about the bookish community too! You're such a beautiful person and you deserve the bestest- good luck with finding a job, Em! <3 Happy December!

    1. Thank you Ruzaika, you're always so lovely <3 hopefully the both of us find lots of amazing books to read this month! I would totally recommend getting into Red Queen! Honestly it builds up into so much suspense and it's really quite cool.

  3. Hope you have a good December and that you find a job and get to read more :( Sorry it hasn't been going well.
    Have a lovely, relaxing, fulfilling December! Here's my Monthly Wrap-Up

    1. Thank you Amy! Hope you have a lovely December too!

  4. If the manager is rude at the beginning it was only going to get worse - good call Em!

    And thanks soooo much for the shout-out! XD

    1. Thanks Cee <3 I actually just got called for a job interview today so maybe this is a sign that everything happens for a reason! Fingers crossed!

  5. I wish you luck on getting a job, hopefully one with a lovely manager! I tried for a couple jobs at the beginning of the year before realising I really don't have the time for it at the moment. I'm glad to see you liked Red Queen, so many people don't. Hopefully you can get some more reading done in December!

    1. Thank you Brooklyn! I actually have a lot of time at the moment so I figured, might as well make some money lol! A lot of people don't like Red Queen??? How could that be, it was so wonderful! Happy December :)

  6. I'm really interested to see what you think about "Glass Sword" because I loved "Red Queen" but I read "Glass Sword" and things got really problematic. Hope you have a great Decemember and power through exams!
