
Monday 31 October 2016

Month in Review: October

Hello everyone, and Happy Halloween! Hope you all have a spooky day! Here's my monthly recap for October:

What I Read: 

This is What Happy Looks Like by: Jennifer E. Smith: 3/5 stars
The Shawl by: Cynthia Ozick: 4/5 stars
The Last Boy and Girl in the World by: Siobhan Vivian: 1/5 stars
The Radius of Us by: Marie Marquarot
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by: Benjamin Alire Saenez: 5/5 stars
Learning to Swear in America by: Katie Kennedy: 3/5 stars
Tales of the Peculiar by: Ransom Riggs: 4/5 stars
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by: Rachel Cohn and David Levithan: 3/5 stars

Favourite Book of the Month: 

Definitely, fully and whole-heartedly Ari and Dante!! It was my first audiobook I've ever read, and the story, mixed with Lin-Manuel's narration made this book possibly my favourite book of 2016.

What I Blogged: 

My favourite blog post this month was my post on the Lack of Diversity in YA Romance. I've been wanting to talk about this issue since FOREVER , and I got a lot of great rec's.

Favourite Blog Posts of the Month: 

Cee reminds victims of rape that They Are Not on Trial 

Brooklyn writes A Letter to Hazel Grace 

Charlotte reflects On Turning 20 

Ruzaika shares tips for how to survive Being a Chicken during Halloween Season 

Blogger of the Month: 

This month's shoutout goes to the lovely bloggers over at The Regal Critiques, Veronika and Ruzaika! I've known these two amazing ladies for a while, and they never fail to leave the most insightful, thoughtful and kind comments. Plus, their blog is so incredibly creative and they make the best events, such as their Spooky October series! Go check them out :) 

Personal Stuff of this Month: 

Nothing really happened much in my life this month. I'm actually somewhat enjoying school, except for my history class, but that's another story. Overall I've been writing a lot this month thanks to Writer's Craft, and I'm looking forward to November! Plus, this is a friendly reminder that Christmas is just around the corner :)))

How was your October? 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Thanks for the shout-out! :)

    Glad you're enjoying school - even though your history class isn't going so well. If you ever need back-up for online-based protest, let me know ;)

  2. I listened to the Ari and Dante audiobook this month too! Although I wasn't completely in love with the book (I did enjoy though) I LOVED Lin Manuel Miranda's narration of the story.

    I cannot wait for Christmas!

    1. I really thought that the narration paired perfectly well with the book! I can't wait for all of the decorations to be put up 😍

  3. Glad u got to read so many books! And it's so cool you love writing; I'm also mad about it :)

  4. Glad you had such a good reading month! October wasn't too bad for, either. I (still) need to read This is What Happy Looks Like, but I'm putting it off because I didn't like The Geography of Me and You :/ I really liked your lack of diversity in romance post, too, and I also think fantasy needs to step up its diverse game. Thank you for the shoutout as well!

    1. I like Jen E. Smith's books because they're easy to get through and cute, but they're nothing really special and really lack diversity, so maybe save this one until you're in a reading slump or something. Thanks Charlotte! I definitely think that fantasy could use some help as well :) It's only a matter of time!

  5. I'm so glad you had a great reading month - and that you loved Ari & Dante as well! I'll never be able to stop talking about how much I'm fascinated about this novel.
    I didn't read much on October, but I plan on reading a lot since school year is about to end!
    I hope you have a great November, Emily!

    1. Omg it was a literal masterpiece! Hope you can read a lot more and have a good November too Lais!

  6. I am thrilled that I made it onto your favourite blog posts of the month. Anyway, I'm so glad you liked Ari and Dante I feel like it's been on my TBR forever and I've just never gotten to it. I must sometime soon though. This is What Happy Looks Like was such a sweet read, I'd love to read more by the author.

    1. You're very welcome Brooklyn! You have got to read Ari and Dante, it will blow you away!

  7. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SHOUTOUT, EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the absolute bestest, you are! I'm so sorry I've not been around the blogosphere these past few weeks. I started my placement (did I tell you that?) and I'VE BEEN SO BUSY. I've missed you and your posts SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, once again, for being so fabulous!!!!!

    1. Oh no thank YOU and Veronika for being so awesome all the time! I don't think you told me about your placement, how's that going? Hope it's going well! Don't worry about being absent, life does get crazy sometimes! Thanks for being so lovely <3

  8. Thank you SO MUCH for mentioning us! I'm so glad you appreciate our efforts so much, Em! :D HOW HAVE I NEVER KNOWN YOU ARE ON BLOGLOVIN? The reason I suck at commenting here is that I don't keep up with my Google follows *hides* BUT NOW I TOTALLY CAN KEEP UP WITH EVERYTHING THROUGH BLOGLOVIN.

    I read This Is What Happy Looks Like shortly after its publication (I think?) and I'm pretty sure I rated it 3 stars too. The concept was really cute, imo, but the way it was done wasn't so good, tbh. I'm dying to read Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe.

    I was so excited for The Last Boy and Girl in the World, but the reviews made me lose all of that excitement - it sounds terrible. *cries*

    Hope your November will be even better than your October was. :)

    1. You're welcome Veronika!! I really do appreciate all that you guys do :) Yeah I started Bloglovin a while ago and it's really convenient! I love it! The Last Boy and Girl in the World was such a let down!! Seriously the worst book I've read in a while :( Hope you have a great November too!
