
Friday 7 October 2016

Gone Girl by: Gillian Flynn

Genre: Adult Fiction, Thriller, Mystery
Published: September 26, 2012 by: Thorndike Press
Pages: 707
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

On Amy and Nick Dunne's 5th wedding anniversary, Amy Dunne mysteriously disappears. Distraught and confused, Nick opens up a police investigation, and soon the whole town erupts in a Find Amy campaign. However, as growing evidence points towards Nick as being the kidnapper, Nick must prove his innocence as everyone seems to turn against him. Nick starts to investigate the mystery that is his wife, and she may be hiding something.

I finally can say that I've read this book! And not too long after that, I read the book, so I really am caught up. I will say that this book was as shocking as everyone said it was, and you definitely have to see to believe. However I did have some problems with it.

First off, I loved the characters of this book. I think each one had a unique voice and personality, and I definitely loved Nick's point of views. I also really loved hearing Amy's diary entries, as they gave a better glimpse into their past and it was overall very intriguing.

I think that the ending of this book was good, but for me, it was completely predictable. I could predict most of the shocking elements of this book. Maybe it's just because I watch way too much Law and Order that I'm pretty much a detective at this point, but I just knew what was going to happen. Idk, maybe I'm just not normal.

I also really didn't like the last few pages of the book. They felt rushed and confusing, and definitely anticlimactic. The solving of the mystery was interesting, but the aftermath was really stupid to me. It just didn't seem to fit with everything else that had happened.

This is pretty much all I can manage to attempt a perfect, spoiler free review. You kind of have to read this for yourself in order to judge the mystery, but I think Flynn had a great premise here. Maybe I should just become a detective in the future.

Have you read Gone Girl? What did you think?


  1. I'm so glad u finally got to read it! I read Gone Girl earlier this year and while it was definitely good, I didn't love it.

    1. I think it was one of those books that I just had to try for myself. I'm glad I did read it though!

  2. I LOVE Gone Girl, glad you finally got round to reading it! For me it's a really important book because it's what got me back into reading regularly whilst at uni and also it got me reading crime/thriller books which are now probably my favourite.

    For me, the characters are the best bit. I think Amy is a brilliant character, she's very dark and very cunning and calculated and back when I read it, she was the only female character like that that I'd read.

    I don't remember having an issue with the pacing of the ending, but if I were to read it again it wouldn't surprise me if I also felt the same as you. In general though, I really liked the ending because of how nothing happens in terms of justice, and how they just carry on as if nothing's happened but it's clear that something is deeply deeply wrong with their relationship.

    1. It was the first true crime/thriller I've read so I'm really happy I gave it a chance! Amy was such a strong female character to read about. I thought that the ending was really unique in that sense but I guess for me personally, I prefer more of a closure.

  3. Ha, I can totally imagine you with a little PI firm, a hat on at a jaunty angle, and a whole noir-ish thing going on. Maybe even a typewriter on the desk, just for atmosphere ;)

    1. Lol maybe I've got a future career ahead of me!

  4. This has GOT to be my mostest favoritest crime/thriller. I absolutely LOVED everything, from the writing to the characters to their so, so messed up relationships and ARGH. I'm so glad you red this, Em! However much I love this book, I'm REALLY scared to recommend this to people because I'm so nervous thinking how they'd react to Amy. She's so deliciously effed up that I ca't bear it if people don't "get" her :D The ending, I can see why it might have sounded confusing and kinda anti-climactic to you, but I personally loved it and thought it served them right. Also, it helped contribute towards the essence of the story? IDK, but I LOVE Gone Girl :D Great review, EM! I'm amazed by your ability to have it written spoiler-free :P

    1. I'm glad if was your mostest favourites haha! I thought writing it spoiler free would be fun to do, but it was hard! I really liked Amy and how you kind of first sympathized with her, and then realized how effed up she actually was! Personally I like a more closed ending, because I just wish Amy what she deserved!

  5. I recently read Sharp Objects and really enjoyed it, so I'm hoping I enjoy Gone Girl too! I must say, though, that the ending of that felt very rushed too, and there was so much build up. Things were solved in the last few pages and it felt like an afterthought.

    1. Maybe it's just her style! That being said, I hope you enjoy it :)
