
Wednesday 28 September 2016

Paperback's Pondering's: I Almost Quit (But I Didn't!)

This is gonna be a hard post to write, because I'm just gonna be fully honest here. I play up like my experience blogging has been nothing but sunshine and rainbows, but the truth is, these past couple of months have had it's rough patches. And it's important to talk about.

So the truth is, at the end of June going into summer, I seriously considered quitting my blog. Like literally just dropping off the face of the blogosphere, just stop tweeting, stop blogging, and stop caring. I figured, I haven't met any of my blog buddies in real life, so it wouldn't be so embarrassing if I just quit. I want to tell you why I felt this way.

Blogging just felt like a chore to me. I hated having to open up my laptop, sit down for an hour and write when I could have been spending time outside and such during the summertime. It seriously felt like homework during the summer.

I also felt so completely unmotivated. I thought that doing a Paperback's Pondering's every week was getting repetitive, I had no other creative ideas, and I just didn't want to deal with having to be out of the box anymore. Again, it felt like a chore.

So why didn't I stop? It was my sister, actually who told me that it would be stupid to throw away two years of my life for a silly little rough patch. She suggested taking a summer hiatus, but I knew that if I did, I would probably never come back.

What did I do then? I hid behind tags upon tags upon tags because they were easy and didn't require any creativity, because the questions were already made up for me. I didn't have to worry about putting some actual thought in my posts. I have nothing against tags, but doing them week after week was incredibly boring. I didn't care though. I had literally thrown my content out the window.

Now this may seem pretty negative, but the truth is, I'm all good now! I had a true pep talk with myself after my 2 year blogiversary post, when I saw how lovely everyone was and I realized that I felt appreciated in the blogosphere. I felt like people enjoyed my company, and I didn't want to throw it away.

I'm now actually extremely inspired. I've been taking a Writer's Craft course at school which has been helping me tremendously, and I really want to share what I've learnt on my blog, because a lot of us are aspiring writers and I think my teacher's advice could be beneficial to others. I plan on bringing back the discussions, putting out even more reviews, and more importantly, caring again.

I wanted to share this because I needed to get this weight off my chest. Sometimes people think that a break can always help, but for me, that wasn't the case. I had to push through, but now, I am totally ok. This blog deserves better than this, and all of you in the blogosphere deserve better than this. I'd like to thank all of you for the endless motivation you give me, it clearly keeps me going.

Have you gone through a rough patch? What did you do to get past it?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. OMG EMILY WE ALL LOVE YOUUUUU!!!!!! Feel free to take breaks lovely girl, but please always come back!

    If you ever do want to give up, you better not just go dark on us! We expect a big long goodbye post & a swap of e-mails ;)

    Seriously Em - breaks are fine :) posting less is fine :) we don't mind. But I'm so happy you've decided to keep going! :) :) XD XD

    1. Lol thank you so much Cee! <3 I definitely do not ever want to quit again, and blogging is so much more important to me than it had been a couple of months ago. And even if I do quit years from now, I definitely want to keep in touch. You're like a friend now! <3

    2. Good :) because you don't get rid of me that easy! ;)

  2. I totally feel you!!! I go through rough patches all the time, especially during the school year. For instance, during the summer, i was on fire and felt great, but now that college is gearing up and shit is getting a lot harder, I feel like maintaining a blog is a chore. I'm still reading, especially since audiobooks are my bff now, I just can't muster up the energy to type all of the posts I should.

    1. I encourage you to get through it! It's so tough, but hopefully it'll pass. But it is important to do what makes you happy at the same time.

  3. I think every blogger has or will have a rough patch, but they won't always open up about it. Thank you for being so honest, and for sticking around!! I've definitely had moments where I think 'I don't want to do this any more' - if I'm honest, I'm feeling a little like this now, where I can't be bothered to write up posts - but I've been telling myself to push through.

    1. Yeah I had to keep pushing myself through as well! Hopefully it'll get better for you. I just figured it was better to share the rough patches than pretend that everything's always good.

  4. I can't believe you felt like that! I'm so sorry ugh :(
    BUT WE ALL LOVE YOU! Honestly, you are one of my favourite bloggers - I told you once that you were goals, and you still are! You're one of the nicest, sweetest bloggers out there, and I love seeing you around!
    IF YOU EVER FEEL LIKE THAT AGAIN... let me know!! I'll give you a pep talk and everything, because GIRL, YOU ARE AWESOME, and EVERYONE who has met you appreciates you for who you are - a wonderful, lovely girl who can somehow juggle blogging with school consistently! <3

    1. Thank you SO MUCH Geraldine! Seriously the amount of support and motivation you give me makes me so happy everytime I read a comment of yours. I seriously consider you a friend and I would definitely come to you for a pep talk about anything! Thank you for being amazing <3

  5. AWW, EMILYYYY!!!!!!!!!! I never knew you were going through such a tough time! Sure, I did notice the increase in the number of tags you did, but I didn't give it much thought! Stupid of me, really, because that's exactly what I tend to do when I'm going through a rough patch too (which is more and more often now when things get hectic with uni stuff). People have kept nudging me towards a hiatus in the blogosphere, but blogging has become a part of my daily routine now, so however bad things are, I always feel the need to keep pushing through. I'm glad you did that too, and I'm so, so, SO glad it helped you! I'm really happy that you decided to stick by your blog even when things are tough, Em- you are on of the very few blogs I visit regularly, I would have SO hated it if you had just dropped off the face of the Earth. I'd have NEVER forgiven you for it. Hmph. Not really, but. Well. Don't you ever dare do that, young lady!

    1. I promise I never will, Ruzaika! I love you guys too much to do that now. Life is hectic, you know? But I promise that you'll get through it. Sometimes a hiatus can help, but I think for me, I'm just the kind of person who needs to keep doing it. Thank you for being so lovely :)

  6. Awww Emily thank you for sharing your honest thoughts on this! It's often hard to keep up with the pressure of blogging, but my favourite part about it is all the wonderful people who share their passion of reading with us and it would be a shame to drop off the face of the earth and never have that again! I'm so glad you've gotten over that hump.

    1. Thank you Jeann! I admire this community so much, it's truly special. We can all bring each other up after we get down :)

  7. I'm sorry you had to go through that, Em! I went on a hiatus last spring for the same reason - I didn't feel like blogging, wanted to do other things & I thought my posts became super-repetitive and less than creative - so I know how you must have felt. And omg, you're SO strong for coming out of that blogging slump WITHOUT a hiatus! CONGRATS for coming back with all these new ideas and inspiration, YOU ROCK. On a side note - if you ever feel like this again, but don't want to take a break, message me & we'll totally come up with some cool ideas or an event on our blogs, bc I know it absolutely sucks when sg like this happens!
    Happy blogging! :)
    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. Thank you so much Veronika :) I've always thought that your posts are really creative so I'd really like that :) It is hard isn't it? It was hard not to go on hiatus but I think if anything it made me come back stronger :)

  8. I hope it's not too late to comment, because I really wanted to say I'm very happy that you didn't quit blogging!
    For the last couple weeks, school has been stressing me out like crazy and I haven't been able to comment on other people's blogs or write posts for myself. I also feel like I'm running out of ideas and worry that I'll be copying someone else's post, but I believe that things will get better after a while.
    I hope you don't feel scared, though, to go for a hiatus in the future if that's what you need to. I know in your case pushing through may be the best, but sometimes taking a break also helps. At least, that's when I have my best ideas - when I'm doing literally nothing, hahah.
    Once again, I'm happy you feel better now!

    1. Thank you Lais! I think anyone in school will definitely agree that blogging takes its toll on our priorities, but it's all worth it in the end. And sometimes a break is the best way to get creative again :)

  9. I meant to comment on this post earlier. I've been feeling like this lately. I''m actually glad you did this post because it makes me feel like I'm not crazy for just wanting to give up on it. Then I think about the posts that I've worked so hard on. I haven't posted anything in a few months, so I sort of unintentionally took a break. Looking back I noticed that I was slowing down when I started working more. Now I realize I just need to reschedule my time because this is such a big change. Anyways, thank you for writing this. Definitely made me feel less alone.

    1. You're welcome then, Emma! I definitely thought that I was alone on this as well but I now see that I'm not. Hang in there, it'll get better!

  10. FYI: I totally meant to comment on this post earlier, Emily! I've had this feeling a couple of times while blogging and my best advice is to take a step back. Enjoy life! Give yourself time to relax and think. I've taken a week off from blogging to a whole summer and my followers are still supporting me every step along the way. I'll be doing the same for you and your blog, Emily.

    anna | annaish
