
Wednesday 24 August 2016

The Book Sacrifice Tag!

Thanks to Thomas @ Intro To Blurb for tagging me to sacrifice some books! Let's get started:

Situation: You are in a bookstore when a zombie apocalypse hits. You are informed that over hyped books are the zombie's only weakness. What over hyped book do you chuck at the zombies? 

That'll be Throne of Glass by: Sarah J. Maas! This over hyped series was so incredibly boring for me, plus Celaena was such an annoying protagonist.

Situation: A torrential downpour. What book do you use as an umbrella to shield yourself? 

Honestly, at this point, probably ACOMAF by: Sarah J. Maas. I haven't even finished it yet but it is just not doing it for me. Also, it's really heavy and big for maximum protection.

Situation: You're in English class and your professor talks about a classic book that "transcends time". If you could go back in time, which classic would you stop from being published? 

The Hobbit by: J. R. R. Tolkein. Yeah this book was way too boring and dreadful for me.

Situation: Global warming=suddenly frozen wasteland. What book will you not regret burning to warm yourself? 

After by: Anna Todd. Again, very big for a huge fire, and such a shit book.

That's it for the tag! I hope I didn't sound too salty... oops. I'd like to tag anybody interested!

Emily  @ Paperback Princess


  1. I don't get how you don't like The Hobbit *shrugs* - to each his own I guess! :)

    1. I don't really like classical fantasy, and The Hobbit was way too overly descriptive for me.

  2. Haha yes to the Throne of Glass. I'm sorry you don't like ACOMAF. I love it to pieces. Not The Hobbit! I agree though, high classical fantasy isn't for everyone.

    1. Yeah The Hobbit is definitely to an squired taste and sadly it didn't sit well with me. I'm really upset I didn't like ACOMAF :(

  3. I liked Throne of Glass but the sequel was a no go for me! I haven't picked up ACOMAF yet, so I hope I don't hate it!!

    1. I'm really sad I didn't like ACOMAF, I had such high expectations for it :(

  4. This tag was so much fun, Em! :D I haven't read Throne of Glass or ACOMAF yet, but I don't seem to able to make myself pick them up *shrugs* I definitely agree with you about The Hobbit, it wasn't my type either!!!

    1. I didn't think I would pick them up either but I gave into the hype! I should have just left them be :(

  5. I did this tag a looooong while back and remember how much fun it was. :) I think I'm one of the very few people who's absolutely uninterested in SJM novels, even though they come highly recommended by my friend. *shrugs* Tolkien's novels have never stroke me as interesting, neither did Anna Todd's "masterpiece". I'm not judging anyone who read and enjoyed it, but 50 Shades was more than enough for me of erotic books that started out as fanfics.
    Great post, Em! :DD

    1. I do feel a bit of a loner when it comes to SJM books, so I'm kind of happy I have someone who agrees with me! Yeah I'm not judging anyone who reads erotic books, but this book was not for me in the slightest.

  6. I found it interesting that you considered Celaena an annoying protagonist! I'm a strong lover of the entire Throne of Glass series (reading Queen of Shadows atm) and I've never really thought about that. I would actually agree that Celaena is annoying in the first book- but if you read the rest of the series you will learn why and who she really is!

    1. A lot of people love her but idk I just find her too overly ambitious and a bit impulsive. I thought that reading Assasin's Blade would make me warm up to her since it's all about her past but it's just the voice that SJM gave her that gets on my nerves.
