
Wednesday 20 July 2016

The Harry Potter Tag!

Thank you so much to Veronika and Ruzaika @ The Regal Critiques and Lila @ The Book Keeper's Secrets for tagging me to do this awesome tag! This is the first time I've done a Harry Potter themed tag :)

Flagrate- Writing Charm 

A book you found the theme interesting but you'd like to rewrite:

Throne of Glass by: Sarah J. Maas! The premise was very cool and mystical, but the book was way too heavy. I'd make it a bit more easy to understand.

Alohomora- Unlocking Charm 

A series where the first book made you hooked:

The Raven Boys by: Maggie Stiefvater!!! I fell in love with the characters from that moment.

Accio- Summoning Charm

A book you wish you could have right now:

A Torch Against the Night by: Sabaa Tahir!! Ugh August 30 is SO FAR AWAY!

Avada Kedavra- Killing Curse 

A killer book:

Frayed by: Ava Terzis!! This thriller has such a KILLER ending!!

Confundo- Confusing Charm 

A book that you find very confusing:

Life of Pi by: Yann Martel is confusing in a good way. It makes you think, and choose the ending you want.

Expecto Patronum- Patronus Charm 

Your spirit animal book:

PERCY JACKSON EVERYDAY!! This book is like a best friend to me.

Sectumsempra- Dark Charm 

A dark, twisted book:

I don't usually read a lot of dark books, so I would say The Perks of Being a Wallflower because it deals with a lot of dark themes such as drugs, molestation and suicide. It's still a really great book though!!

Aparecium- Revealing Charm 

A book that surprised you in a good way:

A Court of Thorns and Roses by: Sarah J. Maas!! I assumed this book would be so heavy and boring, but it was actually pretty funny and witty at times.

That's it! Thanks to Veronika, Ruzaika and Lila! I'd like to tag these bloggers to complete if they'd like:

Cee @ Diary of a Reading Addict

Anna @ Annaish 

Geraldine @ Corralling Books 


  1. Great answers, Emily! The Raven Boys had me hooked too. ;) Thanks for tagging me!

    anna | annaish

    1. You're welcome Anna! It's hooked us all hasn't it :D

  2. The Raven Boys is definitely one I feel instantly in love with. I still can't believe it's over! And I think I would rewrite ToG, too. I mean, it's so good but some parts don't sit well with me. Great answers, Emily!

    1. I definitely cried at the ending! Yeah ToG had it's fair share of weird moments.

  3. Percy Jackson will forever be my baby.

  4. This tag looks like so much fun! The Raven Boys is such a good choice for a first book that made you hooked. I would have chosen it as well; even after reading all the books in the series, it's still my favorite!

    Great answers!

    Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess

    1. It was such a great start off to an amazing series. Thanks for stopping by Sofia!

  5. I'M READING THE RAVEN BOYS NOW- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! :D Glad you did this tag, Em! I agree with you about The Perks of Being a Wallflower, it did deal with a lot of topics that can be considered dark. A Torch Against the Night sounds really good- have you read any other book by Sabaa Tahir? I haven't. Hmm.

    1. OMG HOPE YOU LOVE IT! I haven't read anything else by Sabaa, I thought that AEITA was her debut. If she has written anything else though I would so want to read it!

  6. I love this tag! Definitely adding it to my list of future posts :P I actually disagree with The Perks of Being a Wallflower though - I felt like sooo many issues had been crammed in, any weight it may had had in terms of raising awareness and tackling taboos was lost. It was problematic for the sake of being problematic, if you ask me.

    1. I found it also to be kind of triggering? Like the topics were so heavy that it was making me sad just reading about it. I think it needs to be handled with kid gloves.

  7. Ooh yay tag! ;) Thank you Ms Emily :)

    So many books here that I need to read! I've only read Percy Jackson ;)

    1. Well I really hope you get around to reading them!

  8. I LOVE SO MANY OF YOUR ANSWERS, it's crazy!
    Firstly, Sectumsempra with Perks?? PERFECT CHOICE. It's actually such a dark book, but so good, with how it explores all these heavy themes!
    And Flagrate with Throne of Glass? Completely agree. I loved the whole competition aspect of it, but for me, the supernatural aspect, with Elena, etc., it got a bit confusing for me.
    Finally, Expecto Patronum with PJO?? YES YES YES!! :D
    Thank you so much for the tag, lovely! <3

    1. Perks definitely taught me about some issues I never even knew existed! And I had to include Percy Jackson in there. That book was my childhood! Thanks Geraldine :)
