
Saturday 30 July 2016

Cheers to 2 Years!!!

On this day, two years ago, Paperback Princess was born!! It came from a bored teen who wanted to get her writing out, so she started writing book reviews. She thought that it would be a simple summer hobby that would soon end, But it turned into so much more than that.

This post is to say thank you. Thank you to every reader, blog buddy, or Twitter friend who has made these past 2 years some of the best moments of my life. I have created friendships that are special beyond belief, been given opportunities that I probably never would have been motivated to complete if it weren't for this blog, and have given myself the confidence that I need in my writing. You guys mean more to me than you could ever imagine.

My Accomplishments 

In the past 2 years, I have surpassed 16k pageviews and have a combined 119 followers on my blog and on Bloglovin'. This may not seem like much to some, but to me it gives me enough validation that someone out there is obviously reading.

1735 comments have been written since I've started blogging, and it means the world to me. Comments keep me going. They allow me to meet new blog buddies and start conversations with people. I appreciate every single comment I recieve.

I also have 140 Twitter followers and 40 Instagram followers that again, hold special bookish relationships with me. I look forward to everyday where I am able to chat with you guys on social media.

I attended a book signing for the first time and was able to meet some of my blog buddies in person! That was the coolest experience ever and is something that I will never forget.

If it wasn't for my blog, I would have never participated in NaNoWriMo and would have NEVER sat down and completed an actual book. It was the support from you guys that pushed me to write, edit and write some more, and now I can proudly say that my WIP, is actually taking flight. This is only the beginning.

The Thank You's 

Now comes a very sappy and emotional time where I get to shoutout to every person who has made a difference in my blog life. I hope to God I haven't forgotten anyone:

First to Cee. I'm not sure when we started commenting on each other's blogs but all I know is that ever since then you have managed to comment on every single one of my posts. Even if it's something you probably aren't interested in, you make sure that I have at least one comment on my post. This means so much, because you take the effort to show me that someone cares. So thank you, thank you so much for doing this, because it really and truly makes my day.

Geraldine. What can I say about you?! You are so kind, so, so kind, and I hope you realize that. You are supportive, creative, and I am proud to call you my blog buddy. Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for being able to communicate with you.

Sierra and Temecka. Both you girls are so passionate about the books you love, and I absolutely love chatting with you two! Whether it's fangirling or complaining, I absolutely love sharing opinions with you guys and you're both always so kind.

Ruzaika! OMG YOU ARE LITERALLY SO LOVELY! Every comment of yours is so thoughtful, insightful and appreciated, Your comments make my day because you always seem so excited about something and you let me know if you really liked a post of mine. Your comments always make me feel happy inside :)

Ranu. I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! Even though you've been absent recently, I couldn't ignore how great of a blog buddy you are to me. You're such a genuine person, as well as very helpful. I appreciated every book rec, opinion or compliment you gave me, and you were the first person I genuinely considered a very close blogging friend,

Denise! I feel like we're best friends even though we've never met! You leave such heart and appreciation in your comments, tweets, or anything really, and you never fail to make me feel appreciated. Thank you for being such a positive light in this community.

Kate. You're one of my oldest blog buddies! You've been there since we were both wee little bloggers, and I'm so happy that we've still managed to keep this going. I can't wait to start these editing services with you, as you are a passionate person with some great creativity.

Thank you also to these lovely people who I can always count on chatting to on Twitter, Blog, or even Instagram! I appreciate every single one of you and all that we talk about:

Charlotte, Annika, Anna, Emily, Lila, Serena and Sasha, Chioma, VeronikaBryce, Lais, Erin, Nia, Mishma, Zoe, Tika, Erin, Jillian, Megan, Kira and Michelle.

Even if your name isn't mentioned here, if you have even only interacted with me once before, please know that I appreciated it! Every interaction is a special one, and I am so thankful and so fortunate to have an amazing group of people to talk to. Whoever said online friendships aren't real ones, clearly hasn't met this community. Here's to many more years to come.

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. WELL DONE EMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD

    (Also, I am blushing with the embarrassment of not only being mentioned in your thank yous, but being mentioned first. Argh! I have the biggest smile on my face right now and have gone a weird pink colour! All your fault ;P )

    Keep posting lovely! You have such a passion and a verve, and you care about so much, it shines through in your writing so well, that it's always a great pleasure to read your blog (and I'm going to stop now because I'm rambling like someone's embarrassing great-aunt. And I'm not *that* old. Yet.)

    Here's to the next two years - never stop being awesome ;) <3 <3 <3

    1. I'm happy that I made you happy Cee! Honestly you've been a big part of my blogging in the past year, and you've been so encouraging for me to keep going! Thank you so much for being such a lovely person, and I hope you know how great you are!

    2. If that comment were any sweeter, it would be made of chocolate :)

  2. Congratulations! What a milestone, Emily! I absolutely love your blog. You're such a sweet blogger too. <3 Cheers to past and the future for Paperback Princess!

    anna | annaish

    p.s // awwww!! thanks for mentioning me emily! you're too kind. <3

    1. Thank you Anna! You're such a lovely blogger as well <3

  3. CONGRATS ON 2 YEARS!!!! (party balloons fall from the ceiling). Awww shucks thanks for the shoutout! I've loved talking with you too. You're one of the first people to start commenting on my blogs, and I will never forget your kindness. :)

    1. Thank you Sierra! I will never forget how kind and lovely you are too! :)

    First of all, thanks so much for mentioning me! I'm glad I can be a part, even if a tiny one, in your blogging journey.
    Wow, 2 years is such a long time! I'm glad you still love doing it and can still find inspiration for new posts. It should definitely be something to be proud of!
    I hope you continue doing it for a looong time. I love reading you reviews and your thoughts, you're always very honest but sweet and it inspires me to incorporate some of that on my own posts as well!
    Once again, happy anniversary and thank you sooo much for remembering me! <3

    1. Of course Lais!! Thank yo so much for your lovely words, that means a lot! You are so sweet! <3

  5. Congrats on two years!! You've managed to accomplish so much in that time and so should be insanely proud of yourself! I'd still love to see some of your NaNoWriMo stuff, or if you plan on keeping it private until you're ready to share maybe some tips or drafts that didn't make the final cut? Your ideas and posts have inspired me on more than one occasion (I'm the worst for commenting so I don't always let you know, oops) so I'd love to see a post on where you draw your inspiration from. Again, congrats and I look forward to seeing where you'll take Paperback Princess. :D

    1. Aww thank you Charlotte! That just made my day that you think my posts inspire you. I don't really plan to publish my NaNo work but I would love to write some writing posts if people would be interested! Thank you for being so lovely!

  6. Happy 2 years blogoversary!! Love your posts, and it's awesome how much you have accomplished! :D

  7. Happy blogiversary again, Em! You've accomplished so much within this span of two years- congrats!!!!! I always love reading your posts, be it reviews or discussions or anything- my comments are usually only half of what I want to say because I have such a hard time putting into words all I have to say :D Keep blogging and spreading happiness like you already do- and here's to many, many more years of happy blogging to come!!!

    PS: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MENTIONING ME HERE, EM. You really truly made my day!! I'm glad I make you happy- you make me happy too. You're one of the very few blogs I make it a point to keep up with're SO awesome! ❤❤❤

    1. Thank you so much for these words Ruzaika! That means so much, and I love to keep up with your blog as well. You are one of the kindest blogger's out there!

  8. I can't believe I only saw this now, but HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY EMILY!!! Seriously you should be proud! Most people only last 1 year and then they give up, but 2 years is AMAZING. I'm so happy to have you as a friend and I always enjoy reading your blog posts! Thank you for the mention. Your stats are worth being proud of. Never mind the number, I think we should still all celebrate :D Cheers, it's been 2 years!

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

    1. Thank you so much Jillian! I'm happy to have you as a friend too and it's so great to see how far we've all come. We all have something to be proud of :)

  9. OMG, CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED YOUR BLOGOVERSARY! I feel like the worst person ever! I'm SORRY, I've been so behind on commenting lately.
    ANYHOW, HAPPY 2ND BLOGOVERSARY, EM! *claps + thrown confetti* You really have an amazing blog going on here and I genuinely hope you'll be here for the long run, so we can keep reading your content! <33
    PS: Fuck the numbers, you're awesome and I'm SO GLAD you're proud of what you accomplished! It sucks when a blogger can only be happy about BIG numbers. Fact is, there'll always be bigger bloggers out there, the only thing anyone can do is to be grateful for their success and NOT compare themselves to others. And I think you really have that figured out! (Hope that all made sense? I know, I'm rambling!)
    Happy blogoversary again! And thanks for the mention, Em! <333

    1. OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS COMMENT VERONIKA! I try not to look at the numbers too much, because it isn't worth comparing yourself to others. Like you said, there's always going to be bigger blogger's and THATS OK! Thank you for being an amazing blog buddy Veronika and I hope the both of us have many years to come <3
