
Friday 1 July 2016

Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3) by: Maggie Stiefvater

Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Fantasy
Published: October 21, 2014 by: Scholastic Press
Pages: 391
Rating: 5/5 stars

Blue Sargent has been fully accepted into the group of her Raven Boys, and she is confident being with the ones she loves. However when her mother disappears, her world seem to unravel as Gansey's death looms closer, Glendower is still to be found, and friends start questioning their loyalty. Blue will do anything to find her mother, but at what cost?

Remember how I said that the Dream Thieves was my favourite of this series? I lied, this book has become my favourite of this series. Blue Lily came back stronger than ever, once again building up the suspense for the search of the Welsh King and building upon new relationships. This book gives a different look at the world Blue thought she once knew, as well as provides new pieces to the puzzle.

Blue took sort of a back seat in the Dream Thieves, but she came back stronger than ever in this book and became all the more amazing. She searched tirelessly for her mother, sacrificed so much and gave it all for her friends. Blue is a class act, and had an incredible voice in this book.

This book was so lyrical, it was almost as if the entire thing was a poem. It flowed so nicely, that even the tense moments seemed soothing. I loved how this fantasy is less action and more emotion, but still keeps you fully engaged and interested. You cannot help but keep reading.

My little ball of sunshine Adam was once again amazing, Ronan all the more sarcastic and precious, Noah a little cutie, and Gansey... well he's Gansey, so I have to say anymore? Not much more to say than the fact that these boys get better and better with each novel.

I also want to give a shout out to the cover of this book. I think this book cover is my favourite of the series, the colours work so well together and it's just so pretty! Then again, all of the covers in this series were done so well.

There isn't really much left to say now. Once again this book was beautiful, suspenseful but somehow also so calm. If you haven't already gotten the message from my previous reviews, you need to read this, you just need to.

Have you read Blue Lily, Lily Blue? What did you think?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. This book sounds really good! I think I will have to go out and buy it now! I really want to read it!! x

    Victoria |

  2. Ha, the 'Glendower' thing still makes me cringe, but I've put the first book on my TBR :)

    1. Yay!! I hope you'll get past the Glendower thing lol!

    I didn't love it as much as I loved the second one, but I still REALLY loved if! I hated how Noah was sort of on the back burner in this book because he is truly my lovedrop. I'm not ready for this series to be over! *cries*
    Great review Emily!

    1. I know!! I wish Noah had gotten more of a role, but I guess being a ghost there's not much you can do, right? I'm so upset now!!

  4. I'm planning on picking up The Raven Boys soon-like, within the next three weeks maybe hahahahaHA- and I'm so excited because everyone seems to have loved it, including yoouu!! Glad you seem to be loving the series so far, Em!

    1. Yay!! Hope you love it Ruzaika, let me know what you think!
