
Friday 27 May 2016

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by: Maggie Stiefvater

Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
Published: September 18, 2012 by: Scholastic Press
Pages: 409
Rating: 4.5/5 stars

All her life, Blue Sargent has been told by every psychic she's ever met that if she kissed her true love, he would die. This prophecy carries her through every year, and through every St. Mark's Eve, where she stands on the footsteps of a church with her clairvoyant mother and watches all the people who will die in the upcoming year. Blue has never seen the dead people, as she possesses no psychic gift like her entire family, until one year, when she witnesses a boy in a tattered school uniform who will soon die. The boy is Richard Gansey, a student of Aglionby Academy, a Raven Boy. Blue befriends Gansey and his gang, wondering if she should reveal his fate to him, and make sure that she doesn't fall for anyone in the group as well. For they could end up dead too.

After absolutely everyone and their cousins in the bookish world raved about this book, this series, and for the dramatic finale, I decided to swing by my local library and give it a go. I was immediately swept into this series and without exaggeration, finished all 4 books in less than 5 days. I literally read a book a day. This series is unique, magical, and something so brilliantly crafted that it will pull you in and never let go.

Let's start with why the characters in this book are the best characters ever. First we have Blue, who is an outgoing feminist who comes from an amazing band of psychic women who stand by each other. Blue was one of the best female protagonists I've read, because she was fiery, tough, but at the same time relatable in a sense.

The Raven Boys are a group of 4 boys from the prestigious Aglionby Academy, whom Blue befriends. First we have the absolute gem of a guy that is Richard Campbell Gansey the Third. He's hilarious, preppy and wears boat shoes which are my favourite shoes of all time, so there's that. Then we have Adam Parrish, who is the absolute cutest boy ever and who has my heart. Ronan Lynch is a bit tougher, he is very protective but he does have a soft side. Lastly, there's Noah Czerny, who's mysterious and friendly and so awesome. These boys were supportive of each other and so well written.

I found it kind of hard to explain the synopsis of this book, because there's so many amazing elements to it that you kind of have to read it yourself to fully understand and appreciate it. I will say, that the plot of this book is so amazingly beautiful, the diction will keep you hooked and even the imagery seems so aesthetically pleasing. It's pretty amazing.

The only, and only thing that prevented me from giving this book a perfect 5 stars is that it takes a while to understand. Like in any first book of a series, it's there to act like an introduction and provide the build up into the other books, so I just thought that this book was a bit slower than the others, because there was a lot of background information to explain. However after this, it's a breeze.

I don't think this was a very coherent review because there is just SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT with this series, that you kind of need to just experience it yourself. I promise you, you will be amazed.

Have you read The Raven Boys? What did you think?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I've been hesitant about picking this series up because it seems so confusing and intense. But I do love Maggie Stiefvater's writing. I am tempted to give it a shot seeing as you (and everyone else, it seems!) enjoyed it so much. Does all the explanation drag or is it quite fast paced?

    1. I really hope you give this a go! I wouldn't classify the explanation as being fast-paced, it's a very slow fantasy, but don't get me wrong it's not at all boring, it's just more deep and philosophical than intense.

  2. Been reluctant to pin my flag to this mast and give this series a shot.

    The only Maggie Stiefvater book I've read is Shiver (or, as I like to call it, How Not To Notice Your Teenager Has a Wolf-Boy In Her Room, aka, Neglect For Dummies.) While I'm going to read the follow-up (Linger) eventually just because I already own it, and while it wasn't *bad* as such (it was OK - readable,) it didn't exactly make me a Stiefvater fan.

    Still, you seemed to enjoy it, so I might get round to it eventually.

    1. I've read Shiver too, and at the time my 13 year-old self loved it, but now I'm thinking it was kind of stupid. Anyways, Linger got better so I would highly recommend giving it a try! Luckily these books are nothing like that series and are incredibly unique and magical.

  3. I haven't read it but I have heard so many good things from Temecka at Library of Tomes that I'm finally going to give it a try. I didn't like Shiver, so I wasn't going to read this series, but your love for this series just solidifies that I need to read it!

    1. Yeah it's nothing like shiver so I would totally suggest giving it a go! I hope you love it :)

  4. That was a coherent enough review, Emily- enough to make me want to read this series ASAP *glares at towering TBR* Sounds like you found something to like in each of the boys and that's a great thing :D and Blue sounds like a lovely, fierce protagonist! Looking forward to reading this soon :))

    1. I hope you do read it Ruzaika! The TBR can be tough, but I think this book is so worth it :D

  5. I'm so excited to see you talking about this one! I've got the first book waiting at home (since I'm visiting my mum right now), and I can't wait to have the time to read it! I might end up on a binge similar to yours, in all honesty, because this definitely sounds like it would be right up my alley!

    1. Yay!! I hope you love it as much as I did! It's such a versatile series that would work for many tastes :)

  6. This is beautiful! I adore the Raven Cycle and I'm so glad that you've enjoyed it too! Noah owns my heart and he gets a tighter hold on it with every scene I read with him <3

    1. Ugh I love Noah! He's such a cute little ghost boy and so caring and awesome. Honestly there isn't one boy that isn't amazing.

  7. OH MY GOSH 4 BOOKS IN 5 DAYS? goals. Goals. GOALS. To be honest, I have the first book and haven't even opened it yet...but I think I really need to, especially because I trust your opinion. If everyone is liking it this much, gotta give Maggie Stiefvater a chance (I didn't like her shiver series).
    As always, Great review!

    1. I pretty much did nothing but read this series for that week lol! But seriously, this book is such a step up from the shiver series and I felt much more connected to it. Hope you love it Kate!
