
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Paperback's Pondering's: My Thoughts on Youtuber's with Book Deals

Paperback's Pondering's is a weekly discussion when I take a topic and well, ponder about it! This week's topic is all about my thoughts on "Youtuber" books.

For those of you who don't know, I am very passionate about Youtube. I've been watching Youtubers for about 4 years now, and I consider it a pastime. One thing that is very prominent in the Youtuber Community is book deals, when popular Youtuber's get books published either about their lives, or about fictional books. Now at first I was kind of proud for the first couple of Youtuber's who got book deals, but now as it seems like everyone and their cousin's has a book out, I can't seem to wonder if these Youtuber books are just a publicity/money grab. Beware, I have A LOT of opinions on this matter.

I'm going to start with something that has bugged me for a very long time, that is Zoe Sugg or "Zoella" as she's known on Youtube's book: "Girl Online". My initial thoughts going into this book was "wow, I didn't know Zoe had an interest in writing, let's see how this goes". After the first chapter, I knew that it would all go downhill. The plot was cheesy and lifeless, the characters were cookie-cutter and un-diverse, and even the writing seemed like a book more suited for a 12 year old. To top it all off, because Zoe has a huge fanbase, her book beat out HARRY POTTER to become the most number of book copies sold in the UK. That really grinded my gears. Now while I'm certainly not trying to hate on Zoe or any of the people who did like this book, I wondered if Zoe really wrote the book at all. As it turns out, she had a ghostwriter, which left me wondering if this girl really has a "passion for writing", or if she just got the deal because she was famous.

More and more youtubers put out books about their life, self-help or other forms of non-fiction. Now while I'm sure anyone would say yes to getting a book published about your life, they're starting to get SO REPETITIVE that I can't help but wonder if all of these people really and truly care about what they're putting down on paper!

Another theme that seems to be going around the Youtube book deal community, is that none of them seem to be booktubers, bookworms, or have expressed an interest in writing before. Now I'm not saying that I know everything about these people's lives, how would I know if once the camera turns off they're staying up into the wee hours reading, but I just wish we had some actual booktubers getting the deals for a change! I have seen SO MANY booktuber's share their writing, but none of them are getting published because they're being overshadowed by the more famous people!

Now all of this being said, I have read one youtuber book that completely blew me away, and you could tell it was from the heart. A Work in Progress by Connor Franta was incredibly moving, and the diction this man had was better than some authors I've read. He can truly write.

Please know that I'm NOT TRYING  to hate on Youtuber's and their deals, and I'm sure that many of their books came from the heart, I'm just saying that it's starting to get a little old and suspicious. I just wish that publishing companies would pay attention to just all people who express an interest in writing, and not just because they're famous.

What do you think about Youtuber books? Read any good ones?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Yeah I'm not a fan of Youtube books because like you said they truly aren't from the booktube community. I also feel like they are ploys for money and a lot of them are doing it just because other youtubers are doing it.

    1. They are ploys from money and it's so stupid! Writing a book shouldn't be a trend, it should be something that they truly want to do!

  2. This is such a good post! I also love watching Youtube due to lack of Netflix and television...and I completely agree! EVERY SINGLE youtuber has a book out. It's a little discouraging that publishers have to turn to youtubers to get people to read and buy books.
    But I completely agree with you on A Work in Progress. I picked it up randomly at the library and couldn't put it down. It was really powerful.

    Great post! :)

    1. Thanks Kate! It is kind of annoying because it's almost like non-readers will only gravitate to the "famous people books", and not to some really great hidden gems of books that aren't getting recognition! A Work in Progress was so powerful though :)

  3. Yeah... not to sound cynical. But it's for the money. Which is fine. Lord knows if a publisher offered me a giant cheque I'd be like 'Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

    At the end of the day, it isn't going to go away while there are people who want to buy the books Youtubers bring out. The only alternative is to get the publishers to come to their senses and actually look at what they're printing, instead of the amount of profit they can make. And good luck with that.

    Again, not like I'm cynical or anything ;)

    1. Lol I totally get what you're saying! It's just sad that it seems like in order to get published you have to be famous nowadays. I miss the days when publishers looked for quality over quantity.

  4. Tbh, I have really split opinions on this one. I think it depends on the book they're writing. I don't care that Zoella's book was ghost written, because I know it will introduce lots of young girls to reading, who might not have been passionate about books. I believe it also talks about anxiety and panic attacks (which Zoe suffers from herself), which could help some readers learn about mental health problems, or get the help if they need it!

    I'm also a really big fan of Dan and Phil, so obviously I've read their book. I really enjoyed it, and although it's not the most original or important, it was funny and extremely enjoyable! It enhanced my enjoyment further of their videos, and it sold very well (hence a good deal for the publishers).

    I think most Youtubers are fine with havign book deals, because youtube is a part of people's lives. It's just a different genre of book! I know they work extremely hard on making their videos, and the book would be the same :)

    Denise | The Bibliolater

    1. You make some great points Denise! I think for me it's just that I've seen some bad apples in the bunch,the people where you just wonder if them releasing a book is quite necessary. Zoe obviously wanted to get her message out and I know that it did impact and help a lot of people, it just didn't really sit well with me.

  5. Wow Emily, this is such an original and thought provoking post~ I know for me, i dont really read Youtubers' books, so I cant really comment too much. But i do agree - some of them look lile they're just for publicity/more money. Zoe Suggs book synopsis especially sounded like it was full of cliches. I really liked Tyler Oakley's Binge though - very humorously written and just so Tyler. I feel like these books are awesome if they reflect the Youtuber themselves. Ill have to read Connor Frantas book, because yeah I've heard that its really awesome for a long time now :)
    I think the point you made that they havent really expressed an interest in writing is a really great point too.
    Ahh this was just an awesome discussion in general, Emily!

    1. Thank you Geraldine! To be honest I was kind of scared to post it, but everyone seems to be responding so well to it! You have to read Connor's book, it's so creative and aesthetically pleasing as well, a brut calming book. I think that if a youtuber book comes from the heart, then that's all ok but once youtubers start wanting to bite off more they can chew, then they need to see if they REALLY want to write as a passion.

  6. YES! I've wanted to make a post about this but I was really afraid of hate. I think what bugs me the most is that they say they've "written" a book when in reality they had an idea and someone else wrote the book for me. I totally agree with you on Connors though- he's such a profound thinker and his voice was really strong in A Work in Progress. One I'm really excited for coming up is Buffering by Hannah Hart. She's such an intellectual person and I really believe that her book will be up the par with Connors. Great post Em!!

    1. Thanks Katelyn! I was very nervous too but then again it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. Hannah is hilarious on Youtube, her book would probably be so comedic and cool!

  7. I'm a YouTube junkie also! lol #noshame And I've noticed the book trend as well. Bravo for just putting it out there! I haven't read any Youtubers books because
    1) none have truly grabbed my interest as of yet
    2) I'd never heard them share about their actual love for books

    I will have to check out that Connor Frantas book. Thanks for sharing! Great topic :)

    Quite a Novel Idea

    1. Thanks Jenn! Very few peak my interest, it has to come from someone I REALLY love, and I love Connor, so that worked out well.

  8. This is such a good topic! Honestly, even though it's a bit annoying to see every big Youtuber coming out with some form of a book, it's kind of a "you do you" situation for me. It doesn't affect me in any way, so I'm kind of just ignoring it hahaha.

    1. Yeah, I can get that! I guess it's a youtuber's personal opinion :)

  9. I don't think YouTubers getting book deals is necessarily a bad thing, especially if there is something really important to be told, but I wish publishers would put more thought into who they really give the deals to. I feel the about a lot of popular Tumblr users getting book deals. Things like this need to be monitored, but publishers know that they'll bring in loads of cash if they publish someone with a huge following. It's sad that the money seems to be a factor instead of a quality piece of writing.

    1. It is sad! Like I said, sometimes youtube or just famous people books could be very inspiring, however sometimes I look at it and I'm like seriously? Some are just unnecessary.

  10. I'm also HUGE on YouTube, and I think the book thing is getting kind of ridiculous. I can't lie, I have Grace's book, and would like to get some others, but they aren't writers. I so get that they have become famous, and want to write something a bit about them, but being called a "New York Times Best Selling Author"?!

    1. Yeah!! It's just really shocking. Like if you want to write a book, go right ahead, but I don't really think that some are as good as they are made out to be!

  11. There are only a handful of YouTuber books that I would be interested in reading, the rest of them I wonder "why did you even bother?" Because there doesn't seem to be a hint of book love anywhere.

    The exception to this, for me, is Carrie Hope Fletcher, who's always talked about books on her channel. She wrote a non-fiction book and her first fiction book is coming out in July. I'm really excited for this!

    Also, I would maybe be interested in reading Dan and Phil's book, because they're cool.

    1. Yes, I do love Dan and Phil too! Obviously a lot of them I'm not that interested in, so I think it takes a Youtuber with a really unique personality and a passion for writing to really pull through. I haven't really watched much of Carrie Hope Fletcher, I'm going to have to check her out!
