
Monday 29 February 2016

Month in Review: February

Hello everyone, and happy leap year! I feel sorry for all the babies being born today, but I guess they can say that they're unique! Here is my month in review:

What I Read: 

This month was the month of re-reads, as I have now started to re-read the entire Harry Potter series!

1. Dangerous Lies by: Becca Fitzpatrick: 4/5 stars
2. Dumplin' by: Julie Murphy by: J.K. Rowling: 3/5 stars
3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by: J.K. Rowling: 5/5 stars
4. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by: J.K. Rowling: 5/5 stars
5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by: J.K. Rowling: 4/5 stars
6. Village of the Small Houses by: Ian Ferguson: 2/5 stars
7. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by: J.K. Rowling: 5/5 stars
8. Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda by: Becky Abertelli: 5/5 stars

Favourite book of the month: Definitely Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets! It reminded me why this book was my favourite of the series, and I think it was a pinnacle point of Harry's life at Hogwarts.

What I Blogged: 

10 posts went up this month! My favourite was my collab posts with my sister: The Reader Vs. the Non-Reader. It was great to collab with her and I think she really enjoyed it!

Favourite Blog Posts of the Month: 

Jillian @ Jillian's Books shares what she does when she's not reading: When I'm Not Reading

Mishma @ Chasing Faerytales reveals the insecurities of book bloggers: The Insecurities of Book Bloggers

Geraldine @ Corralling Books spreads some blogging love: I Love You. Bloggers

Jess @ Princessica of Books shares why bloggers love blogging: I Love Blogging Because...

Blogger of the Month: 

The February award to dedicated to a lovely blogger who never fails to comment on a post, as well as has amazingly unique posts herself: Cee Arr of Diary of a Reading Addict! 

Thank you Cee for constantly sharing lovely thoughtful comments and for being openly honest in your posts :)

Personally of this Month: 

I REACHED 100 TWITTER FOLLOWERS! Thank you to all of my twitter buddies for being so lovely and always up for a chat.

I started my second semester of school. This semester I have pretty hard subjects such as math (ugh) but hopefully I can tackle it before summer.

I have become shamelessly obsessed with the tv show Gilmore Girls. Seriously though, this show is so adorable and hilarious and gives you ALL THE FEELS.

I started utilizing my library more. I've never really went to the library before, but recently I've realized how much of a convenient gem it is and I hope to get more use out of it in the future.

I'm so upset that award season is over :( But I saw some great movies and LEO FINALLY WON AN OSCAR!!

That was my month! How was your February?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. You're making me blush! Thanks lovely - really, it means a lot :) Glad to hear you're making use of your library - libraries rock! (In a quiet kind of way >.< ) Thanks again for giving me a much-needed smile today :)

    1. No problem! I love to shed light on lovely blogger's :D

  2. You had a great reading month! I wished I had read as much as you did, but alas, college is so time consuming.

    1. Hopefully you'll be able to read more soon!

  3. You've read so much!! :O
    Just a tiny bit jealous haha :P
    I really loved your collab post with your sister too - I thought it was pretty unique, given that most book bloggers collab with other book bloggers! :)
    CONGRATS ON 100 Twitter followers - you deserve it so much! :D
    Gilmore Girls can honestly be so addicting haha - what season/episode are you up to?
    And finally, thanks for featuring me Emily! :)

    1. Haha I'm a fast reader! It's such a great show! I'm halfway through season 3, I can't wait until Rory goes to college! And Jess is by far my favourite character, he's hilarious! Thank you so much Geraldine!

  4. Such a good reading month, purely because you re-read Harry Potter :P Congrats on 100 Twitter followers as well! I really need to start using it more but I'm kind of over it :/ I want to start watching Gilmore Girls but it's not on UK Netflix (and I'm already in the middle of far to many shows!)

    1. Lol that's true! I'm watching way too much as well, I have little to no self control haha! Thanks Charlotte!

  5. Wooo! What a great month for you, Emily! Your post reminds me of me needing to post recaps so often. CONGRATS ON THE 100! It's so hard for me to gain Twitter followers. I'm hoping to get to 300 eventually. :/ I'll be on the lookout for your reviews of Dangerous Lies and Dumplin'! I borrowed DL from the library and am really anticipating it. It would be my first Becca Fitzpatrick read since Hush Hush, which I didn't enjoy so much.

    YES LEO. FINALLY. HE DESERVES ONE SO MUCH. My February was okay, I read 9 books, though I wish I had the chance to read more! Hopefully my March will be better since I'm going on vacation. :) Enjoy!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Michelle! I'm sure you'll get there eventually:) Dangerous Lies was so mysterious and cool! I STARTED SCREAMING WHEN LEO WON! Have fun on vacation :)
