
Friday 12 February 2016

Happily Ever After (The Selection Series Novella's) by: Kiera Cass

Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Dystopia, Romance
Published: October 13, 2015 by: HarperTeen
Pages: 416
Overall Rating: 4/5 stars

We've heard America's story. Now the kingdom of Illea is back with 4 new stories from beloved character's point's of view's. We have The Prince: Maxon's point of view on his Selection, The Guard: The life of  Aspen when he becomes a palace guard, The Favourite: Marlee's life on hiding her secret love from the other ladies, and The Queen: Amberley's Selection and how she won over the king's heart.

The Prince: 5/5 stars

This was by far, my favourite novella of the series. Maxon was always one of my favourite characters; he was charismatic but still kind and caring to the ladies. I loved how he was unbiased throughout the novella, and it didn't feel like he was in love with America from the very beginning. The novella was so adorable, and Maxon is hilariously cute.

The Guard: 3/5 stars

On the opposite side of things, this was my least favourite. I, like most people, never really felt connected to Aspen. I thought that he was just a waste of space, there was no rhyme or reason to him being there. I didn't really care about his point of view because I don't think that it added anything to the plot whatsoever. That being said, it was an easy read.

The Favourite: 5/5 stars

I loved Marlee since the beginning, so reading about her was a blast! I loved the plot twist that she added to the story, and I really fought for her love. Marlee was one of those cool characters who just does what she wants to do, and I admire her for that. She's incredible.

The Queen: 4/5 stars

This novella was ok, but it didn't strike at me like the other ones. I don't really care for Maxon's parent's, and the king annoys me to no end. I really like Amberley, and I thought that her POV was interesting, but I hated her love interest and didn't really feel the chemistry between them.

Overall Thoughts:

I did enjoy the novella's. They're great pick me ups if you're stuck waiting patiently for The Crown, and the book was a very easy read. However I don't think that The Guard and The Queen were as strong.

Have you read Happily Ever After? What did you think?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I haven't read these novellas yet!! The Selection series was something I binged read really - I read the first two books in one go, and now I can't remember anything from the first two and can't start reading the other books without feeling lost heheh xD >.< OH WELL >.< But I'm glad you really enjoyed The Prince - I have a feeling I would too, because MAXON <3

    1. The books were so addicting for me! Ugh Maxon will always have my heart <3

  2. I'm not much a fan of this series, so I don't think I'll be reading it. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!! :)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. It has a lot of mixed reviews, but I personally find them like guilty pleasure books!

  3. I'm in LOVE with the Selection series, especially America and Maxon, so I don't know why haven't picked this up yet! I will. Soon. Loved the review, Emily! :))

    My latest review- Dare Me by Megan Abbott

    1. It's great for fans who want a little something extra from the series! Thanks Ruzaika:)
