
Wednesday 7 October 2015

Paperback's Pondering's: NaNoWriMo!

Paperback's Pondering's is a weekly discussion when I take a topic and well, ponder about it! This week's topic is about National Novel Writing Month!

Like a lot of readers, I really want to be a a writer when I grow. I know that it will take a lot of practice, and that is why I have decided to participate in NaNoWriMo this year! I do not know what to expect, nor do i know if I'll even finish my novel. But I am excited to find out!

Before beginning to blog, I had no idea what NaNoWriMo even was. It was only by seeing other bloggers talk about, that I fully grasped the concept. At first, I was a bit scared. How could people my age find the time to write a 50 000 word novel amidst school; not to mention the preparation leading up to it! I put in on the back burner, until this year, when I have finally taken the plunge!

The truth is, I am stressing about it. I have never written more than piddly short stories before, and finishing this novel is really important to me. I just don't know how I will be able to manage my time between homework, and my book! I have a few plans, like setting aside a specified time in my day completely away from any other distractions, but I do not know what to expect until I am actually there!

Another thing that is really crucial to me, is to not tell any of my friends and family that I'm doing this. The point is, I do not want everyone expecting me to come out with this book, and then I end up not finishing it. I know that this is not my goal at all, and I will try everything in my power to finish, but  I just don't want to embarrass myself.

What's really helped me out, is the actual NaNoWriMo website. It offers some great tips and tricks, and I have done my research about how the whole thing works. I just really want to have the best experience possible, and hopefully make some great writing buddies in the process as well. I love how you can support fellow writers on the website.

I guess I just have to wait and see what happens. I am excited for the entire process, and I know that I will come out with an amazing accomplishment after November's up. What makes it even better though, is that I will finally be able to live out something that's been years in the making :)

Have you ever joined NaNoWriMo? Do you have any tips?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time last year. I wasn't really prepared, and I was in my senior year of college, so it was a bit crazy. I didn't end up reaching my goal, but I'm hoping this year since I'm not in school anymore that I'll be able to do it. Also I'm going to try to outline beforehand just in case I run into a wall while I'm writing. If you don't reach your word count for the day it just piles on to the next, so my main tip would be just to not fall behind on that.

    1. The word count is definitely going to be the hardest thing for me. I also am trying to prepare beforehand as well! Good luck in your writing :)

  2. I have done NaNoWrimo two times. The first time I gave up after like a week. The second time I wrote so much. I think I had written like 40,000 words and had ten days left when I gave up because of school. I really love doing it, however it is stressful, and it is during possibly the worst month to have it for me. I wish you the best of luck!

    1. Thanks Sierra! I really hope that I won't give up, although if it does happen because of school I'll really have to prioritize.

  3. Pace yourself! The first time I did it, I wrote about 10,000 words in the first three days and that was it. After that I completely stopped because I'd just burnt out, I'd done too much too quickly. The second time I did it I made a goal to write 1800 words each day which meant that I was always a little over my goal, which worked wayy batter and I hit 50,000 words with three days to spare.

    November is an inconvenient time for me so I've started taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo instead (still with the goal to write 50,000 words) and that just works wayyy better!

    Just have fun and do as much as you can, because anything is better than nothing! Good luck!!

    1. Thanks for the tip! I think I will set a goal in terms of words throughout each day. If November turns out to be not so good, then I think I might join Camp NaNoWriMo!
