
Wednesday 28 October 2015

Paperback's Pondering's: The Great Blogging Slump + Hiatus News

Paperback's Pondering's is a weekly discussion when I take a topic and well, ponder about it! This week's topic is about a topic that;s been going around the blogosphere lately: blogging slumps.

I've been posts like these been going up a lot lately. Bloggers talking about a sort of blogging drought that has been sweeping the nation by storm. Some people may be going on hiatuses, others quitting blogging all together. It is sad to see, especially when some people who used to enjoy it so much are now lacking motivation. And I have to admit, I am one of those people.

This is something that's been on my mind for months, so it was only fitting when I saw other bloggers talking about it. So what is a blogging slump? People might interpret in in their own ways, but for me, I categorise it as a lack of motivation to blog, lack of ideas and just the overall stress rather than excitement to put up posts. It doesn't necessarily mean that the blogger hates blogging and wants to stop, it's just exactly like a reading slump! It sucks :(

I think for me, this all started when I began school again. During the summertime, I was on a roll, reading up a storm, doing tags, lots of time to post etc. Then came September. I soon found myself writing posts on the day they were to go up as opposed to pre writing, and having to force myself up to go write them. It was frustrating because I enjoy blogging so much, and I didn't want to quit, I just couldn't understand why something that seems so harmless was being such a burden.

Let's put it this way, school sucks. Yes it obviously provides you with education and pathways for your future, but from a blogging point of view, it can be the single worst cause of blogging slumps. The homework, assignments and studying pile and up and obviously, become your priority. With this, comes the time for less breaks to just do nothing, and so you are less likely to want to jump back onto a computer screen and write some more. Your brain is just so tired out that all you want to do is sleep, let alone having to turn it on again and work on something else.

There are obviously other factors, such as ARC stress and blogging deadlines, but I am not all that into that stuff to be able to give my opinion. So I would say that the reason why I am just so tired is because of school Now wit NaNoWriMo starting, I am stressing just a little bit because I now have blogging and writing to take care of, which will no doubt be hard. That is why I have decided to take a somewhat hiatus during November. I will put up reviews here and there  and comment the best that I can , but I do not think that I will keep up with a weekly schedule at all. Like I said, it's always about prioritising, and breaks can be a healthy thing as well.

My main cure for anything bothering me is a break. We push ourselves too hard that sometimes we need to take a step back and evaluate the situation, and there's nothing wrong with that! It only ensures that we come back stronger than ever. So if you are in a slump, stand back, breath and you will get through this.

I want to know what you think! Have you ever been in a blogging slump, ever taken a blogging break, or how do you manage your time?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. College starting up really affected my motivation as well. I had to cut back from two posts to one again because I was too exhausted to pre-write posts. Now I don't have an ideas for discussion posts and just want to post reviews I've already written because it's easy. But reviews every week are boring and once I've posted them all I'll HAVE to write new things. :/

    I hope your break goes well and I'll keep my eyes open for any posts you do put up, and I'll eagerly await your return to blogging!

    1. Thanks Charlotte! Yes, the struggle is finding inspiration for discussions and other creative features, because I feel as if detailed reviews are not everyone's cup of tea.

    2. That's just how I feel. And the views and comments on my review posts back it up. I find that, personally, if I haven't read/heard of a book or don't plan on picking it up I won't read a review. When I do read them I find it quite hard to comment on them with things that aren't just 'great review! I agree!'. At least with discussion posts comments are easier!

    3. I just wish discussion posts were easier to write, since they are my favourite.

  2. I totally get you. Starting college this fall, I went from a lot of blogging in the summer to struggle busing. Education really is time-consuming. A lot of the times even when I have time to blog, I just don't feel like blogging. I'm doing NanoWrimo too! I love writing and I see it as a chance to do something calming among the stress of college. Best of luck!

    1. Good luck to you too! Hopefully November will be good to all of us :)

  3. Same, Emily! :( I wrote a post about this as well, but I decided not to take a hiatus because in all honesty, I enjoy blogging so much and I kind of don't want to stray away from it. I think it's just the lack of time and the amount of schoolwork that's making me post inconsistently in the blog.

    It kind of saddens me to see you leave together with nearly every blogger that I know, but I guess that would be right for you at the moment. I hope all things go well! (and please don't disappear forever HAHAHA..... I mean it) :(

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

    1. Thanks Jillian! I don't plan on going anywhere!! I love blogging so much, that I feel like if I quit forever I would feel incomplete without it. October's been tough for all of us, but we can all get through this!!

  4. Scheduling is a saviour! I had a major slump earlier on this year and I think if I hadn't started scheduling posts and posting once every single week, I would have fallen back into it

    1. I used to schedule, but unfortunately schoolwork has caught up to me! Hopefully this break will bring me back on track.

  5. I'm going through a slump AS WE SPEAK, which is horribly depressing, but I'm definitely taking a hiatus in November, when exam will start! I really hate to see how the blogosphere is suffering, and hate it worse that I'm actually contributing to the "great blogging slump", but some things can't be helped, you know? I hope I never get tired of blogging, though! :D

    1. Good luck on your exam! I always thought that I would escape the slump, but I just can't hold on any longer.

  6. I haven't blogged in almost a month AHHHH and I also didn't announce my hiatus (BOOOOOO) I know, I'M TERRIBLE! It has been really challenging to keep up with school and extracurriculars and blogging, but I hope to be back soon! Great post!

    1. Thanks Kate! I hope we can both return to blogging soon :)
