
Tuesday 29 September 2015

The TBR Book Tag!

Thank you very much to Ranu @ The Araliya Bookshelf for tagging me to do this post! Let's be real here, a TBR list is a huge part of any bookworm's life.

The questions:

1. How do you keep track of your TBR? 
Firstly, by Goodreads! It is the easiest to access synopsises and information on a book, and it just keeps me organized. However, I do quite often forget to update it and so, most of my TBR books are in my old noggin. How I remember all these books, is beyond me. I swear there is literally a part of my brain that is called "The TBR List Holder".

2. Is your TBR mostly print or ebook? 
I like to think it's mostly print, but when you're a broke bookworm like me, ebook is usually the way to go. However, sometimes a little bit of splurging is ok for exceptionally pretty covers ;)

3. How do you determine which book to read next on your TBR? 
It really depends on what mood I'm in to be honest. For example, if I've read a lot of dark and emotional books recently, then I would probably go for the nearest bright and fluffy book. It also depends if some books are on sale or have special offers.

4. A book that's been on your TBR the longest? 
Hmmm probably It's Kind of a Funny Story by: Ned Vizzini . I got really excited for it, but after mixed reviews I decided to put it off.

5. A book recently added to your TBR? 
The Kite Runner by: Khaled Hosseini. It looks like such an emotional story!

6. A book that's on your TBR strictly because of it's cover? 
It's not even a YA fiction book, but it's definitely A Work in Progress by: Connor Franta. It's basically an autobiography of my favourite youtuber, and the cover just looks so pretty and seems like it would take great Instagram pictures.

7. A book on your TBR that you don't plan on reading? 
Probably Marked by: P.C. Cast. To be completely honest, I don't even remember why I added it in the first place.

8. An unpublished book sequel on your TBR that you're excited for? 
It's gotta be the finale to The Selection series by: Kiera Cass! I didn't really like The Heir, but I just really want to see how it ends.

9. A book on your TBR that everyone has read but you? 
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by: Laini Taylor! I put it off because I was afraid of the fantasy genre, but since my new revelation from the Throne of Glass series, something is telling me that I should read it!

10. A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you? 
The Weight of Feathers by: Anna-Maria McLemore!! It just came out recently, and everyone's been talking about it and I NEED to read it!!

11. A book on your TBR that you are dying to read? 
Gonna have to say The Weight of Feathers again. It needs to be done!

12. How many books are on your TBR? 
Like I said in the first question, on Goodreads, only 22. In my head, a solid 100.

That's all! I'm tagging:

Saptarshi @ Read Write All the Time
Kate @ Read and Dream: My Book Life
Maria @ Teen Ya Book Nerd

Thanks again, Ranu!

Emily @ Paperback Princess

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