
Wednesday 5 August 2015

Paperback's Pondering's: Things I Have Learned From Blogging in the Past Year

Paperback's Pondering's is a weekly discussion when I take a topic and well, ponder about it! This week's topic is all about the things I have learned from blogging since I started last year.

Seeing as my first blogiversary just past, I wanted to ponder about everything that I've learned since I started. And trust me, I've learned a lot.

When I first started blogging, I knew nothing about how to make a design, how to structure posts, and how I wanted my overall image to be. Now, not only have I learned all the technical stuff, but I have also learned a lot of things about myself.

I have never been a very technological person. I didn't understand HTML, graphic design, or how to upload widgets. Now, I am able to customise using codes I never even knew existed, and this blog has definitely gave me for creativity.

I have also grown a lot better in my writing. When I used to have to write speeches and reports, I rambled on, my grammar was atrocious, and I didn't use descriptive writing. I am now confident in what I publish, and I have really expanded my vocabulary. I have developed the confidence to be able to write my own stories now.

It isn't all just structural things that I have learned. I have built up a lot more people skills and confidence in getting my opinions out there since starting my blog. I have always been such as shy person, who was scared to talk to a cashier, let alone people on the internet. I can now proudly say that I am much more outgoing since being able to communicate with lovely people online. I am proud of my opinion, and I don't shy away from voicing it out of fear. I am a better me.

So basically, blogging has been a blast. Not one negative thing has come from it, and I am so proud of my accomplishments. It's just one small step, towards my future :)

What things have you learned from blogging?

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. Loved this post. A lot holds true to me. I have also learned that it is okay to put your thoughts out there in the world. Before I started blogging, I used to always be careful what I was saying because I never wanted to give people the wrong idea of me. Now because of blogging, I am not afraid to speak my mind, and I love that because it turns out there are people with thoughts just like mine.

    1. Exactly! I didn't even realize that my opinion was important even if it was unpopular! Thanks Sierra :)

  2. Congrats on an entire year! I find with myself too that it's easier to articulate my opinions without fear! Love your blog- I'm a huge book worm and I have enjoyed a lot of your recommendations so far. Can't wait for more :)

    1. Thank you so much Katelyn! I've enjoyed your blog too, especially your recipes :)

  3. Hello! I've just nominated you for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award

    1. I've already done this tag, but thanks for nominating me!

  4. I definitely agree with you, I've noticed that my writing has gotten a lot better as I've been blogging. Great post!

    By the way I've tagged you for the I Mustache You A Question tag! Click here to check it out!
