
Wednesday 17 June 2015

Paperback's Pondering's: My Dreaded Reading Slump

Paperback's Pondering's is a weekly discussion when I take a topic and well, ponder about it! This week's topic is all about those dreaded slumps; some may last days, or even months!

It is an awkward situation that no bookworm wants to be in: when your mom tells you that she can't remember the last time she saw you pick up a book. I heard this from my own mother about a year ago, during my dreaded reading slump.

I've had this idea ever since I started this blog, that I always need to be reading a book because I need to keep reviews coming. However there is always that point when life kind of gets in the way and you start putting your priorities elsewhere. Now I have to admit, some of these priorities are more important such a studying for exams or preparing for your future, but what if the priority is just that you're not motivated?

I was in a huge reading slump about a year ago, when watching youtube videos took over my life and I was reaching towards my phone more than reaching towards a book. I just couldn't find a book I enjoyed because my mind was more focused on watching Zoella's new tutorial or watching Tyler Oakley's collabs. While I was enjoying these things, I couldn't help but wonder what happened to the Emily who would read book after book in elementary school. My parent's confronted me about it, and I realised that I needed a balance between my two hobbies.

Obviously everyone gets reading slumps for different reasons. My reason was that I had found another hobby, but others could say that they hadn't read anything really good lately, they're busy with school etc. This blog has kept me reading often now, which is great, but I can't help but wonder what would happen if I slipped back into a slump, but needed to put up reviews.

I think that the important thing for me, is to accept when I need to take a break, and to not force reading onto myself. It only makes it worse when you're dragging yourself through books that you have no interest in whatsoever. It's better to take time for yourself, and do other things that will make you happier.

Reading will always be my number one hobby, but that's not saying that it's not okay to have breaks once in a while. While it may be frustrating, it's better to sit back and relax, and it will all be over soon. And when all else fails, re-read Harry Potter. Harry Potter will always make you happy.

So I want to ask you now, how to you get rid of reading slumps? Do you accept the break, or do you pull through like a trooper? I'd love to know your tips and tricks :)

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I was in a bad reading slump a couple months ago, and I feel like I'm getting into another one again. It's usually one book that I just can't get into and I'm forcing myself to finish that puts me into a slump. I think it's better if you just set the book aside and read something else. For me it was contemporaries and graphic novels that helped.

    1. Contemporaries really help me when I'm feeling slumped too!

  2. At the moment, I'm not exactly in a reading slump, but more of a reviewing slump. The past month has been all about preparing for final exams, keeping my grades up, finishing sports, and preparing for a move, so I've lacked time and motivation to review books. I've still been reading books, especially at nighttime before bed, but I just haven't found the time to push myself to write reviews, or really any type of blog post. So I guess it's a blogging slump. I'm hoping the summer will open up some more opportunities for me to get refreshed and start blogging regularly again, though. I need to read Harry Potter again this summer. You're right, HP always makes us readers happy:)

    1. Final exams has really taken it's toll on me as well. Hopefully the summer will bring more reading and writing time! Good luck in your exams and move :)

  3. This happened to me, too, before I finished school. But mostly because I had tons of schoolwork to do, my focus was placed elsewhere that ISN'T books. It was a dilemma! I remember I only managed to write 2 or 3 reviews in March because I had a reading + blogging slump, which isn't a good combo :( I decided to wait for my mood to come back instead of forcing myself because I know it wouldn't be any fun to simply make myself do something I'm not in the mood for.

    Great post Emily!

    1. Thanks Jillian! A while back I was in quite a dilemma because I hadn't read any books lately and I had basically run out of books to review! Hopefully it won't happen again.

  4. I can totally relate to having something take over reading. When I started binge watching Dexter at the start of this year, I just couldn't get into anything, and then that kind of clung around and this year has been one of my worst reading years. Even though I'm sure it doesn't look that way from the outside.

    Like you, I need to realise when I need a break and just take things easy. I put a lot of pressure on myself in regards to my own blog, and it seems to be backfiring and making me enter a blogging slump!

    Usually though, to get through a slump, I read something short or a graphic novel, and sometimes revisit old favourites - even if it's just a chapter or two. Sometimes, I read something I know I'll hate so that it makes me angry enough to want to read something else to take away the horribleness. Plus, I find I write more reviews when I get angry about books. ;)

    1. When I started watching the tv show Full House, it took up all my spare time and I was afraid of getting into another slump! A lot of people say graphic novels are great for slumps, I might have to give it a go!

    2. They really are! They're so fast paced and easy to get through, because let's be honest, there isn't actually much to read in them! Plus, it can be fun to read something a little unconventional every now and then. The change can be good for slumps, I think. That's why I save my unread graphic novels for emergencies haha. :)

    3. I don't usually go for graphic novels, but I find them so easy to get through. Could be a great time to start!

  5. Reading slumps happen to me ALL THE TIME. I like to reread some of my favorite books to pull me out of a slump. Either that or I go so long without reading that I start to miss it and finally pick up a book. I hope you get out of it soon!! I recommend The Wrath and The Dawn ;)

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, Rachel! Re-reading is really good for me too!

  6. A break is quite healthy once in a while- even when you love reading to bits like we do! Don't ponder on it too much :D Try re-reading old faves or clean up you TBR- that might give you something you actually wanted to read, but forgot about!
    Ruzaika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. Thanks Ruzaika! I definitely need to clean up my TBR, so many books, so little time lol!
