
Tuesday 5 May 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #30 Books I'll Probably Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme from The Broke and The Bookish that allows users to share their top choices of the topic of the week!

It's always great to do a positive top ten tuesday, but sometimes you've just go to get those negative feelings out. Here are books I don't plan on reading: 

1. City of Heavenly Fire by: Cassandra Clare 
Partly because it's so long, and partly because I DNF'ed the series after Lost Soul's. 

2. Les Miserables by: Victor Hugo 
I put this on my TBR, but I'll probably never get to it because it's more than 1000 pages long and re-watching the musical is fine by me. 

3. After Series by: Anna Todd 
It's simple: I DNF'ed the first book after months of trying, and I don't have any intention of starting again. 

4. Girl Online 2 by: Zoe Sugg 
This second book in the series does not have a title yet, but I don't think I'll read it because I found Girl Online to be very cheesy and cliche. 

5. Throne of Glass by: Sarah J. Maas 
A lot of people have recommended this book to me, but I'm not really into YA fantasy all that much. 

6. The Hobbit by: J. R. R. Tolkien 
This book is just too overly descriptive for me, that it just becomes boring. 

7. The Chronicles of Narnia by: C.S. Lewis 
There's just something about this book that draws me away from it everytime I pick try to read it. 

8. Unravel Me by: Tahereh Mafi 
I'm not entirely against the series, but it's just not my priority and there was nothing really special about the series to me that I must keep reading. 

9. The Death Cure by: James Dashner 
It took me so long to get through the first two books, I think I'll just watch the movies instead. 

10. The Kane Chronicles by: Rick Riordan 
I loved his Greek Mythology books, but I think I'm done with mythology now. It gets repetitive. 

What books will you probably never read? 

Emily @ Paperback Princess


  1. I have a great love of Tolkien. I know that a lot of peope find his descriptive style a little boring, but I find it magical. Anyway, Les Miserables is a little tiring read, so I'm not surprised that it is on your list. Plus, if you want to read Hugo at his best, you should give The Hunchback of Notre-Dame a try. All of the other books on your list I haven't read, but I too believe that I won't neither. Great list!

    Aeriko @

    1. Thanks for the rec! Les Miserables is a great musical, but I would never be able to get through the book.

  2. Throne of Glass! You should read it,hun! That book is amazing and Celaena is a wonderful heroine.
    Narnia is a childhood favourite of mine!I don't know whether I'd like it if I read it now,but it will always have a special place in my heart.

    1. I do think I need to expose myself more to the fantasy genre :)

  3. I've had tonnes of Throne Of Glass recommendations thrown at me as well, so hopefully I'll get around to it eventually. It's a pity you don't like The Hobbit though. I thought Tolkien's style really worked in that book. In LotR his writing often felt a little bloated, but considering The Hobbit is pretty short I felt that it worked better. Anyway, his books aren't for everyone and I see why you don't want to read his books.

    1. I don't know, I've just never been drawn to Tolkein's books. Maybe one day :)

  4. I'm not planning on reading the TMI series too. I read TID and had mixed feelings about it and the series is just way too damn long. I get that it's good and all that jazz but it's just too long for me!

    The Kane Chronicles is nowhere near the magnitude of Percy Jackson and the Olympians or even The Lost Heroes of Olympus. To be honest, you aren't missing much by skipping TKC.

    1. Everyone says that TID is better than TMI, but I can't see myself reading either series. Thanks for stopping by!
